Is the FM9 being delayed due to a chip shortage?

The semiconductor shortage is the only reason that the FM9 is out of stock right now. At present, we are waiting on certain key suppliers to update us on when we will be able to get the parts needed for production. We've already paid extra to get some items—only to be thwarted by others suddenly disappearing when industrial giants pulled strings. We were excited to find a substitute for one critical part only to then have the substitute become delayed too-- after we ordered and been promised quick delivery.

I will end as I often do by thanking you for your patience and understanding during these trying times.
Great! Thank you so much team FAS!
We understand it is out of your control.
Patience and understanding now in progress. :)
I mean really what is holding them up? They have machines going 24/7 cranking out millions of those things no? All sounds fabricated to jack prices up (not fas, the industry).
I mean really what is holding them up? They have machines going 24/7 cranking out millions of those things no? All sounds fabricated to jack prices up (not fas, the industry).
There have been a couple of fires at the major semi-conductor factories over the past few years, wiping out production capabilities. Coupling that with explosive consumer demand during the pandemic, has created a huge shortage of chips. From there, the remaining chips that ARE able to be produced, are sold to the highest bidder. Supply, demand, buying power. A company like Fractal has no match (in buying power) compared to say, a Samsung. It's becoming a cutthroat market. That's no slight to Fractal, it's simple buying power.
I think it is pretty amazing that you folks were able to fulfill the first full day of invites and a bit into the next morning. Thanks again for that! I am totally enjoying my FM9!

Have patience for those that are on the list. I remember being early on the list for an FC6 and due to some production issues and changes, it took much longer than anticipated but was very much worth it when it arrived.

Hopefully things will get there sooner for you than later.
I now do not one bit regret paying $2200 for an FM9 on Reverb as a backup to my Axe FX III... By the time I would get one new, this one would be close to or out of warranty if it had one. LoL. And I've gotten the extra $400-$500 worth of use out of it already.

Normally I wouldn't have bought outside of Fractal, but I knew with the severity of the shortage, COVID crap, and my place in line, I was doomed to a forever wait!

Great product. Can't wait to see version 3.0 firmware!
Looking forward to the day when FM9 is available to anyone that wants it.

It really is perfect: Cygnus modeling in an ideal form factor -- all at a very reasonable price point.

And it keeps getting better!
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