Is it me or?


New Member
Im still amazed about my FM9 MKII Turbo and there is something I don’t understand.

I had the AXEIII around one year ago, I sold it and I went back to amps.
That was obviously a mistake that I deeply regret.

Here is the weird thing.
What did changed in the past 12 months?
Because with the AXEIII there were many factory presets that I didn’t like and also presets that I bought that I couldn’t get along with.
But that all changed with the FM9.
Everything sounds great I don’t understand why I like presets that a year ago I couldn’t get along with.

Don’t get me wrong I couldn’t be happier.
By the way I’m using the same Headphones etc.
Dyna-cabs, lots of changes to the amp modeling etc. I think firmware 5 was in August last year and featured their introduction. I don't think any factory presets have changed, except for the improvements from the amp tweaks since you tried them.

And what you didn't like back then you might simply enjoy today. Sometimes I feel my own preferences changes when it is raining outside. The great thing about the Fractal stuff is that we have such a wealth of options to choose from.
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