Wish Intersound IVP model


The Intersound IVP is a rack preamp from the late 70s. A purely solid state design, it's notable for its use of transformer saturation in it's "tube" mode. While it found some superstar users in Bob Weir and Jerry Garcia, the amp only truly reached notoriety in the mid 80s. In the hands of Steve Albini, its solid state bite became the signature sound of Big Black, perhaps the most influential noise rock band of the decade (and certainly the most notorious). Despite their dissolution in 1987, the preamp is still a part of his sound with Shellac, integrated with a '65 Bassman in an aluminum chassis.

I would love to send Cliff my IVP for its inclusion as an Axe FX model. The schematic can be found at projectivp.wordpress.com, and there's more information to be gleaned from the build documentation of the DIY pedal at Aion FX. Please get in touch with me if this gets greenlit! Also tangentially related, I have a Revv Generator 120 MKIII that I could send in for modeling as well, as I noted on the Revv Red & Purple thread.
Replica, have you ever found any models that come close to the sound of an IVP? I would love to try and recreate it or even get close to it on the axe fx 3. Let me know!
Replica, have you ever found any models that come close to the sound of an IVP? I would love to try and recreate it or even get close to it on the axe fx 3. Let me know!

I haven't found one, but I haven't looked either since I've just been using my IVP. I've found that a big part of the IVP sound (Steve Albini's sound, anyways) is distorted amps sent directly to full range speakers. You might have luck using an amp or drive block with no cab block following it, if that's what you're going for.

As for recreating the IVP, you can probably make a patch with it's signal flow from the raw components. The overall signal flow is input op-amp, baxandall EQ, parametric EQ, clean/tube drive (also op-amps), and finally the master output (yet another op-amp). There are a few op-amp models in the drive block, but I'd guess the OCD is the closest. It's probably also not worth worrying about adding the input/output gain stages as drive blocks. You can get 5 out of 6 filter bands with one parametric EQ block, which is probably fine. IMO, I'd drop one of the bass bands. I don't know what frequencies the baxandall curves sit at, and I haven't found information regarding them.

The offer still stands to send in my IVP, Cliff!
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