Instructions: On setting up the FM3/FM9 to control some functions on the Boss RC-500 looper via midi cc commands.


Well when I got my new FM9 from the waiting list, I wanted to reduce some of my footprint in using it with the Boss RC-500. I wanted to control the RC-500 rhythm/drum stop/start, add drum fill, change drum pattern and the memory preset functions using the FM9 midi out functionality. Reading both manuals seemed like this was a possibility. However my first attempts failed and could not get no midi interaction between the two units at all except using basic midi program change function in which the RC-500 could load a new memory preset based on changing presets on the FM9. I was not interested in the midi block functionality so did not test. In any case I finally came to the method of getting this all to work with the FM9 footswitches controlling some functions on the RC-500 via midi CC messages.

Ver. 2.0 Instructions
In order to connect the FM9 to the RC-500 you will need a MIDI Cable Type A 3.5mm TRS to Male 5 pin. There is a Type B similar cable out there and looks the same but pins are reversed and will not work as a cable interface. Make sure it is a Type A.

To set up the Boss RC-500 settings you can view this YouTube tutorial: How To Program MIDI With The Morningstar MC-8 & Boss RC-500 from the start to about 15 min in.
As in the video: once those 'ASSIGN' settings have been made in one memory of the RC-500 you may need to copy them into other memories as needed because there is no 'global' function for this on the RC-500.

Now it is time to set up the FM9. The easiest way to do this is use the FM9 Edit program as referenced below:
  1. After opening FM9 Edit click on the FC Edit button upper right and choose the custom layout #6 or edit/replace any of the others (1-8).
  2. Now open the CS Midi button also in the upper right.
  3. You have 6 Control Switches from, choose one of them in drop down hovering over the area next to Control Switch.
  4. After switch is selected Enable the switch (Yes)
  5. You have up to 4 commands to send midi data by this switch in this case we are just using one as an example:
    1. Now select: Command 1 > Type>CC ; Channel>1 (1-16 available), Number> 1 (should be the same number as set under the RC-500 MEMORY/SOURCE (Ex. CC#1)
    2. Next is very important! On Value> type 127 , OFF VALUE> type 0
    3. Now select Command 2 > Type>CC ; Channel>1 , Number> 1 and On Value> type 127 , OFF VALUE> type 0 Note: For some reason if only doing this to one Command, you sometimes have to press the assigned foot switch twice. This should take care of that.
    4. With the settings as above we are using CC#1 transmitting thru Channel 1 that it needs a high (On Value 127) AND a low (Off Value 0) signal to function.
    5. You are now done setting up this particular CS MIDI command and can exit via clicking the circle X (top right)
  6. Now you are ready to assign this Control Switch (CS1) to a foot switch in the current layout.
    1. Select the foot switch wanted in the current layout.
    2. Under the FUNCTIONS area and under the TAP set Category> Control Switch ; Function> Momentary ; Control Switch> CS1 .
    3. Now set the HOLD values to the same values as in #2 above. (this will get rid of a small issue with dealing with the RC-500 midi)
  7. You are now finished with the basic setup. You may need to go to the FM9 MIDI/REMOTE settings via the SETUP button on the unit. The general ones I have set are the MIDI CHANNEL > 1 and the Send MIDI PC > Chan 1.
If you followed the excellent youtube video link above and coordinated it with the FM9 instructions here ,instead of the Morningstar, you should be able to get this working for 6 CS MIDI assignments and footswitches. The RC-500 has 8 possible MEMORY> ASSIGN possibilities. The RC-500 is really multi-programable but I wish its operating manual was more concise and specific as it never mentioned anything that controlling it via an external midi device may need to have certain values for the ON (High) and OFF (Low) in the cc command set in order to it to communicate. If anyone here wants to add or edit anything to these instructions post on this thread. You also implement midi via simple FM9 preset changes that correspond to a memory preset on the RC-500 or via the adding a midi block to a preset that can output midi data if wanted. But the Assign feature combined with more switches on the FM9 was what I was going for. This might work for other Boss type loopers and or other midi device interfaces but YMMV.
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Well when I got my new FM9 from the waiting list, I wanted to reduce some of my footprint in using it with the Boss RC-500. I wanted to control the RC-500 rhythm/drum stop/start, add drum fill, change drum pattern and the memory preset functions using the FM9 midi out functionality. Reading both manuals seemed like this was a possibility. However my first attempts failed and could not get no midi interaction between the two units at all except using basic midi program change function in which the RC-500 could load a new memory preset based on changing presets on the FM9. I was not interested in the midi block functionality so did not test. In any case I finally came to the method of getting this all to work with the FM9 footswitches controlling some functions on the RC-500 via midi CC messages.

In order to connect the FM9 to the RC-500 you will need a MIDI Cable Type A 3.5mm TRS to Male 5 pin. There is a Type B similar cable out there and looks the same but pins are reversed and will not work as a cable interface. Make sure it is a Type A.

To set up the Boss RC-500 settings you can view this YouTube tutorial: How To Program MIDI With The Morningstar MC-8 & Boss RC-500 from the start to about 15 min in.

Now it is time to set up the FM9. The easiest way to do this is use the FM9 Edit program as referenced below:
  1. After opening FM9 Edit click on the FC Edit button upper right and choose the custom layout #6 or edit/replace any of the others (1-8).
  2. Now open the CS Midi button also in the upper right.
  3. You have 6 Control Switches from, choose one of them in drop down hovering over the area next to Control Switch.
  4. After switch is selected Enable the switch (Yes)
  5. You have up to 4 commands to send midi data by this switch in this case we are just using one as an example:
    1. Now select: Type>CC ; Channel>1 (1-16 available), Number> 1 (should be the same number as set under the RC-500 MEMORY/SOURCE (Ex. CC#1)
    2. Next is very important! On Value> type 127 , OFF VALUE> type 0
    3. With the settings as above we are using CC#1 transmitting thru Channel 1 that it needs a high (On Value 127) AND a low (Off Value 0) signal to function.
    4. You are now done setting up this particular CS MIDI command and can exit via clicking the circle X (top right)
  6. Now you are ready to assign this Control Switch (CS1) to a foot switch in the current layout.
    1. Select the foot switch wanted in the current layout.
    2. Under the FUNCTIONS area and under the TAP set Category> Control Switch ; Function> Momentary ; Control Switch> CS1 .
    3. Now set the HOLD values to the same values as in #2 above. (this will get rid of a small issue with dealing with the RC-500 midi)
  7. You are now finished with the basic setup. You may need to go to the FM9 MIDI/REMOTE settings via the SETUP button on the unit. The general ones I have set are the MIDI CHANNEL > 1 and the Send MIDI PC > Chan 1.
If you followed the excellent youtube video link above and coordinated it with the FM9 instructions here ,instead of the Morningstar, you should be able to get this working for 6 CS MIDI assignments and footswitches. The RC-500 has 8 possible MEMORY> ASSIGN possibilities. The RC-500 is really multi-programable but I wish its operating manual was more concise and specific as it never mentioned anything that controlling it via an external midi device may need to have certain values for the ON (High) and OFF (Low) in the cc command set in order to it to communicate. If anyone here wants to add or edit anything to these instructions post on this thread. You also implement midi via simple FM9 preset changes that correspond to a memory preset on the RC-500 or via the adding a midi block to a preset that can output midi data if wanted. But the Assign feature combined with more switches on the FM9 was what I was going for. This might work for other Boss type loopers and or other midi device interfaces but YMMV.
I forgot to mention that just as in the video tutorial, once those 'ASSIGN' settings have been made in one memory of the RC-500 you may need to copy them into other memories as needed because there is no 'global' function for this on the RC-500.
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