Input Pad different Guitars


I use different guitars in a live set. A Gibson SG with 490s where I have to set the input pad to 6db and an Ibanez 7 String with Fishman Fluence where I have to set the input pad to 18db. Since you can only set the input pad globally in the settings and I don't really have the time on stage to quickly change the input pad in the do you do it?
are you sure? I would understand if one guitar was on 6 and the other on 12, but there is a big difference between 6 and 18.....
I believe the input pad is compensated. At least on the Axe FX III the input with it's 0-100 setting is compensated. This means that however much you lower it by on input, it is then raised by that much again after the Analog to Digital Converters. The level your amp inside your patch sees is the same regardless of what the pad is set to. It's to optimize the Signal to Noise Ratio (loudest signal without clipping in the ADC will give you the lowest noise comapred to signal), but for live use a less than optimum setting should be fine. For recording you may find it's helpful to adjust if noise is an issue.

Someome please correct me if I'm wrong.
What are you trying to accomplish? If you're trying to keep the level the same/similar coming out of the input block, you could adjust the gain at the input block and use different channels of the input block for different instruments.
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