Input Lights L&R


I've had my Ultra for about two years, and it seems to me that originally the Input 1 lights on the front lit up both L and R, when playing. Maybe I'm wrong (you know how it is when you get so used to something you just don't see it)? When I turn on the unit both Input 1 (L and R) flash on up to red. When I'm playing only L lights up. Am I just mistaken about how I remember this, and both should light up only if I were using a stereo input (like from a Rickenbacker guitar)? -- just guessing.

Also - Aside from this issue: I sometimes wonder if I at sometime (likely when I first started tweaking) mistakenly changed some control that I shouldn't have. What about doing a system reset from the utility menu? Does that cover the basic settings of the unit? or will that also restore the original presets (from before I modified them)? Any reason I wouldn't otherwise want to do this?
If you're only using the front input, only the left side should light up. If you're running both sides for say a magnetic/piezo pickup combination, then you'll get activity on the other side of the LEDs.
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