Input Gain (instrument)


Hi, I just received me fm9 turbo (ordered two days ago from g66).
Watching Leons vids to get familiar with it.

All good so far except the input gain... I have to be at 95% to just tickle the red light...

My pickups are Dimarzio Evo's, so they are not so low output.

Any thoughts plz?

Do you mean "input 1 / Instrument level (A/D Sensitivity)"? (which is different from "input 1 gain"). You only need to tickle the red on hard strums, but 95% would be ok anyway, if only hard strums are tickling red.
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yes...this one I mean.
I see other people just on 20% to hit the red and I wonder if something is wrong with my unit...
My guess is your pickups. They are probably a tad too far from the strings. Just raise them a bit and you should be able to back down the sensitivity. But, it’ll also work just fine at 95 too.
yes...this one I mean.
I see other people just on 20% to hit the red and I wonder if something is wrong with my unit...
I wouldn't be concerned about how others have it set. That's why it's adjustable; guitars and setups are different. I wouldn't make any changes to the setup if you're happy with how the guitar plays. If you're still concerned, turn it down to 20% and call it good. There is no audible effect unless you get below 5%.
My guess is your pickups. They are probably a tad too far from the strings. Just raise them a bit and you should be able to back down the sensitivity. But, it’ll also work just fine at 95 too.
Respectfully disagree with adjusting one's guitar to get an input sensitivity setting that's less in the hi or lo of it's range except in extreme (I would say rare) circumstances where no acceptable a/d conversion signal can be obtained otherwise, with a particular unusual guitar or guitar setup (a/d conversion settings should not dictate guitar setup). Set your guitar up to taste for the tone and feel you want, then set input sensitivity to tickle red on aggressive strums (in my experience, not even tickling red can be fine as there seems to be a wide range of values that work equally well - just don't want anything overdriving it or <5%).

OP never mentioned how hard he is strumming - if you pick lightly and want to tickle red, then yes, you'll end up with it set to a hi value.
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Guys sorry to steal this thread but its probably better to keep in one topic. I understand the principle of setting up the AD/DA sensitity but what about the input gain. I'm running a prs Cu22 with dragon II into my Fm9 and what i am experiencing is that many amps just sound weird (no worries i'm not new to modelers and spent weeks learning everything about fractal and how to set it up).

The one thing that I am not sure is - if i do a simple in/ou connected by a shunt (no amp or cab just pure in and out) my peaks in the out section indicate 8dB red and i hear an audible clipping. Does that mean i should lower the input gain just to make sure that when amps and cabs are introduced i am hitting them with the right input volume? I have not seen any videos about this, usually its all about the ad/da sensitivity.

Of course there is an audible difference between having this set to 1 and say 0.65. But i'm simply not sure what the consensus here is - how to i properly gain stage into the unit? some amps jsut sound tubby and weird. Even for instance comparing the factory ones by cooper carter to what I'm hearing. Often i can tell that running the amp gain oversaturates the amp compared to what others do.
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That’s a different topic and could confuse the original post’s intent with such similar terms.

I leave it set to default, or adjust it if I want to.
Guys sorry to steal this thread but its probably better to keep in one topic. I understand the principle of setting up the AD/DA sensitity but what about the input gain. I'm running a prs Cu22 with dragon II into my Fm9 and what i am experiencing is that many amps just sound weird (no worries i'm not new to modelers and spent weeks learning everything about fractal and how to set it up).

The one thing that I am not sure is - if i do a simple in/ou connected by a shunt (no amp or cab just pure in and out) my peaks in the out section indicate 8dB red and i hear an audible clipping. Does that mean i should lower the input gain just to make sure that when amps and cabs are introduced i am hitting them with the right input volume? I have not seen any videos about this, usually its all about the ad/da sensitivity.

Of course there is an audible difference between having this set to 1 and say 0.65. But i'm simply not sure what the consensus here is - how to i properly gain stage into the unit? some amps jsut sound tubby and weird. Even for instance comparing the factory ones by cooper carter to what I'm hearing. Often i can tell that running the amp gain oversaturates the amp compared to what others do.
At default input gain the guitar's signal is unaltered from what it would be outside of Axfx (I tested this at some point) - no need to "gain stage" input for accuracy to the guitar used - it's already accurate. The amp block will often result in a volume reduction depending on its' compression and output level setting which is why you may hear a volume increase if amp block removed. Afaik, there's no need to try to somehow link input level to output levels - the amp block is like a perfectly attenuated amp with it's output level like the level control on the attenuator's line output.

But ya, different topic - start a new thread.
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