Wish Informative status on main display


Power User
I'd love to see some alternatives to providing something on the main display besides the preset and scenes plus the micro-tuner. Something that helps me as a user know what the status is of the preset I am on.
  • Allowing the Layout grid to be shown at all times, even after a preset change, but with the preset name at the top as well. This, with a careful layout design, would let me see at a glance which blocks are engaged or disengaged.
  • Giving the user the ability to have certain control switches display as "CS* on" when triggered, and providing time intervals for those that include leaving it onthe display until the switch is triggered off
    • An alternative or addition to this might be allowing the switch ring color to be tied to the CS it is activating, too.
  • Allowing for a background or border color change when certain things are triggered, as mentioned in another thread here. E.g. if Drive 1 or Drive 2 is engaged, a red border appears. Knowing that the number of such items is limited for any given preset, maybe this could actually be intelligent: since some of the blocks are represented on bypass switches, those aren't options in this new menu...only blocks that are NOT represented by bypass switches (or Control Switches if the second item above is implemented)
To me, all of these would help me keep track of what is going on and would be really helpful in live gigs.
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