Infinite hold (Freeze) in Fractal?

Alex Kolund

Is there a way to get infinite hold (think EHX Freeze) on a Fractal device? I know it's a request on the master wish list but has anyone come up with anything close to it? (For context - the effect is freezing a section of audio - note, chord, anything - infinitely.) Thanks!
The Reverb block can do it, IIRC, but not the delay. Cliff said it requires too much CPU for the delay to hold without degrading on the FM3. The FM9 and FX3 can do it.
Bumping this one…can someone help me understand how to assign the “Hold” function from Reverb1/2 to a footswitch? Seem to be missing that link.
The stack / hold function seems to only freeze the delay or reverb effect and not the original signal.
Parameters such as rise, tail, sustain and mix are missing (which are found on the plus pedal by gamechanger audio).
This would be an incredible addition to the unit, so I hope Fractal does manifest this!
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