Wish Increase fan temp trigger or make it configurable


Power User
My new FM3T starts its fan way too often. I'd like to be able to increase the temp threshold by a few degrees to prevent this.

Fan starts when Utilities show 132/56.5 degrees, and can go on for ~10 seconds or a few minutes, without the change of the temp - these days I have "Version" page opened on my unit more often than list of scenes in the preset, so I track this very closely.
It doesn't matter if the preset uses 55% CPU or 80%, fan will go off anyway. It will work for some time, than it will stop, and then start again, then stop again, and it can do it whole day long. Even when I'm playing loud, I can hear it as it less than 1m from my head. If I'm not playing, it quickly becomes uncomfortable.

It sits on my desktop in the exact same spot where FM3 (not T) was for 2+years; it runs same presets; it's clean from all sides, no vent holes are closed, blocked or dirty, it's on a hard surface, the room is conditioned and not hot at all (again, same room, same temp as it was when I was using previous-gen FM3), I clean it from all sides every few days, etc., etc. This behavior started almost immediately upon the delivery of the unit.

I've contacted support, shared video with them, and they told me this is expected and suggested to raise a wish to increase the temp threshold in FW or make it configurable, so here it is! An option to have it configurable in a few steps like "low/med/high threshold" would be nice.
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