Incoming Knaggs Sheyenne


I admit it - I'm a "Knaggster." I bought a Kenai J used off of Craigslist a little more than 2 years ago. The styling is nice, but plain, in a Les Paul Junior kind of way. But man does the Kenai J have mojo. So, today I bought my first new Knaggs. I recently unexpectedly came in to a small amount of money. I've been wanting a Sheyenne (Knaggs version of a ES-335). I found the following. I am really excited. I just bought it tonight, and I'm looking forward to getting it soon. Here are some pics:

Thanks to all for the kind comments. I have yet to play a Knaggs that I didn't like. I wasn't going to buy this guitar, but the seller made me an offer that I couldn't refuse. I like guitars with character wood, and this one, along with the finish, fit the bill.
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