Implemented: Keyboard Shortcut to Move Up/Down One Preset


Power User
Sorry if this has been asked before, but a search didn't turn up anything...

Frequently when editing a preset I might place two copies next two each other so I can easily A/B changes, would be nice to have a keyboard shortcut (cmd/ctrl+up arrow and cmd/ctrl+down arrow immediately springs to mind) to quickly change presets... similar to press x to toggle x/y on a block or space to toggle bypass.

I know you can 'p' to bring up the preset manager, and then arrow and enter, but looking for something to involve less keys.

Actually, on a similar topic, a "go to preset" might be cool if you know the number... cmd/ctrl+g brings up a little dialog box, type 147 press enter, boom, jump to preset #147... the preset pane is great and all, but something to minimize the number of keystrokes, or taking a hand from keyboard to mouse and back again... RSI and all that (which is to say, "I'm pretty danged lazy" :) )

Just updated to 3.7.0 and noticed this little gem in the release notes

New Features:
7. Added hot keys for preset navigation:
a. Next Preset: CTRL/CMD + PageUp
b. Previous Preset: CTRL/CMD + PageDown
c. Go To Preset: CTRL/CMD + G​

I think I owe @Michael Pickens or some other kind soul at FAS a beer :)

Thanks guys!
Hi All :)

on my 2012 MacBook pro 17" (El Capitan OSX10.11.3)

the shortcuts are :

a. next preset : fn/cmd + page up
b. previous preset : fn/cmd + page down
c. go to preset : fn/cmd + g

the filter by color feature is brilliant !...

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