iMac Forced Obsolescence


The minimum required MacOS for FM9-Edit has been 10.13 for quite a while. I wonder how long it can hang on?

My trusty "late 2013" 27" iMac with Catalina 10.15.7 is seeing more and more of my favorite applications no longer supported. Looking to maybe go with a Mac Mini and dual-monitors when Apple releases an M4 version.
The minimum OS only changed to 10.13 a couple of months ago. Amazingly, the minimum was 10.7 for many years before that. It's hard to say how long 10.13 will be the minimum, but in the past 18 months, Apple has been instituting policies that make it more difficult to maintain a development machine that supports an old SDK. It's probably time for you to move on from that old iMac.
I have a trusty 2012 Mac Mini that's been rock solid since purchased new. Though there's nothing wrong with it physically, I can't really complain about it's platform no longer being supported after being in service that long - I'll purchase another one soon - it's part of the way tech evolves imo, not so much a planned attack on my wallet.
I work on a 2011 iMac and yes it’s getting difficult but forced obsolence no.

I can still work with a basic iMac released 13 years ago. I think that’s pretty amazing.
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It's crazy. The iMac I was using before the one I have now is in perfect shape with 84% of it's hard drive memory free, but it's no longer capable of surfing the net because of obsolete software. 95% of the music I bought on iTunes is on it, so its pretty much my jukebox now.
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My iMac 27 was a beast in its time, but its time finally passed. On a Mac Studio now, and gave the iMac to my daughter… it cratered shortly thereafter. Definitely dodged a bullet on that one.
Downloaded Sonoma on my 2019 iMac yesterday and noticed it's the oldest compatible model. Which means Sonoma is it for me.
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