I'm on the verge of purchasing an Axe Fx....to wait or not?


Hello guys, I'm planning on purchasing an Axe Fx very soon, but I'm new to this so I don't know if I should wait a little, is there something new coming? is it a software update? I just don't wanna buy something that in a month or two will be out of date.

Another question is..... Ultra or Standard? I don't use a lot of Fx.... won't combine too many amps either, I will use it for recording purposes and live use.
Sounds like you need a standard stat! No point in waiting, if you want an AxeFX then get one. There is a PC version and potentially a floor version of the Axe in the pipeline but they are different products. You want an AxeFX then get one :D
I think we can safely assume that the successor of the current generation units is years away. I don't see a point in waiting. My Standard has served me well, and if you don't use a lot of fx and don't see a need for the extra fx on the Ultra, a Standard will probably make you very happy.

The Ultra has more room for certain kinds of software improvements, though, and that might possibly lead to a situation where a currently pleased Standard user might want the extra bang for the extra buck.
Joeytpg said:
I'm new to this so I don't know if I should wait a little, is there something new coming? is it a software update?
Heh! Regularly! And that's just one of the great things about owning an Axe FX! :cool:
Joeytpg said:
I just don't wanna buy something that in a month or two will be out of date.
Like it's been going, it will be out of date every few hours :lol:
It seems to be common opinion (FWIW) that there will not be a hardware update for quite a while yet.

Firmware updates (improvements) have come at an astounding rate, and are easily downloaded and installed on either Axe-FX model. The only thing that might cause you to wait is if the upcoming Axe-PC would be a better fit for your needs. As with any big decision, you have to do some research to find your best path.

Good luck. :)
thank you all for the fast responses.

I guess I'm all ready to buy then :) will post back as soon as become a full brother :D
I agree with everyone else.

Glad you made your decision. The axe-fx was one of my most happy guitar related purchases ever and I'm sure you'll like it.
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