I play in a very loud band and need to save my hearing.

I want to send out 1 to FOH (set and forget it), out 2 to FRFRs and out 3 to IEMs using Sure PSM 900. I want to take a mix from the house without Guitar (into PSM 900) and take a separate mix with Guitar only (output 3) from my wireless unit to have independent volume control in my ears from both the FOH and FM9. However, using output 3 for my IEMs produce a very low volume. Is there a better solution?

Open to suggestions?
I do this with my Axe III (sorta). How are you configuring output3? I'm assuming you inserted a block in your preset and you shoved it at the end of the chain. You'll probably have two blocks at the end, Output1 & 3.

I take in the External Mix to my Axe III and blend both together to my IEMs.
Who is running your FOH? Can they send you two monitor feeds one mix minus guitar? I used to do something like this (although I was using using amps then) on large stages. I had a little Mackie mixer with those returns plus a vocal and then ran my own mix for my ears. It worked pretty well for hearing things clearly, however, not so much for saving my hearing. By the time I got my IEMs over the stage volume they were way hotter than most would recommend.

<opinion> If the band is that loud, take frequent breaks - pop one out and replace with a plug - whenever you can and alternate ears if possible.</opinion>

Panning guitar to one ear and my vocals (I was also singing) to the other also helps a lot and let me inch the volume down a little bit. (My left ear has better pitch accuracy so I always tended to do this.) I can not stress enough, however, that they were still really way too loud! Like other people would pick them up and throw them down in disbelief.
I do this with my Axe III (sorta). How are you configuring output3? I'm assuming you inserted a block in your preset and you shoved it at the end of the chain. You'll probably have two blocks at the end, Output1 & 3.

I take in the External Mix to my Axe III and blend both together to my IEMs.
I copied output 1 to 3, but have not inserted a Block for output 3. I will give that a try.
Since Phones also is Out1 (afaik) i send Out1/Phones to IEM (and don't use any physical Out1 outputs), i send Out2 outputs to FOH and optional Out3 to FRFR.
Since outlut 3 is -10db. I didn't think output 3 would have enough power to push FRFRs in a live situation. I will give it a try.
I send out 1 to FOH and out 2 to a Shure PM4 (which has a "thru out" to go to FOH). That gives me a knob to control my guitar level into my IEM and also a balance to push it slightly to the right. My monitor mix (without my guitar) goes into another channel and is panned slightly to the left. Both then go to my PM900. It's a beautiful thing...I never have a bad IEM mix!

Unfortunately, PM4s seem to be hard to find these days...
I send out 1 to FOH and out 2 to a Shure PM4 (which has a "thru out" to go to FOH). That gives me a knob to control my guitar level into my IEM and also a balance to push it slightly to the right. My monitor mix (without my guitar) goes into another channel and is panned slightly to the left. Both then go to my PM900. It's a beautiful thing...I never have a bad IEM mix!

Unfortunately, PM4s seem to be hard to find these days...
I think this is exactky what I am looking for. i didnt want to add a mixer to my setup, nor depend on the sound engineer for my guitar volume in my IEMs. I hate to ask, but can you send me a rough hand drawn diagram on how you have this connected. remartin112
I think this is exactky what I am looking for. i didnt want to add a mixer to my setup, nor depend on the sound engineer for my guitar volume in my IEMs. I hate to ask, but can you send me a rough hand drawn diagram on how you have this connected. remartin112
Sent in Conversations
I send out 1 to FOH and out 2 to a Shure PM4 (which has a "thru out" to go to FOH). That gives me a knob to control my guitar level into my IEM and also a balance to push it slightly to the right. My monitor mix (without my guitar) goes into another channel and is panned slightly to the left. Both then go to my PM900. It's a beautiful thing...I never have a bad IEM mix!

Unfortunately, PM4s seem to be hard to find these days...

Came here to post this. The thru of the unit is the way to go, then you can just turn up the knob on the PSM (not body pack) to adjust your ears.
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