IA simultaneous commands?


With the MFS-101 is it possible to send simultaneous commands with a single IA button press? An specific example would be simultaneously sending a CC value and Note on/off value on different midi channels. I read through the manual, but it wasn't clear to me if this could be done.
yes it is....

set the IA [that would normally have an fx block assigned] to none
then go to the page where you set the CC's up

here's an example of one I did from another thread

MFC layout
IA1 - scene1: Riff
IA2 - scene2: Solo
IA3 - scene3: Clean

When I switch from Riff to clean, more things are happening than scenes can handle, so for my config, scenes can only be part of the solution, but not all of it.
Small example:
amp1: active / pan left
amp2: active / pan right

amp1: active / pan centre
amp2: mute

scenes can handle the bypass state changes [active to mute and back]
but they cannot handle the panning of amp1
in my previous solution, everything was handled via modifier: extern5 [MIDI:CC 20]

- set IA1: none / c1 CC:34 0 0 / c2 CC:20 0 0
- set IA2: none / c1 CC:34 1 1 / c2 CC:20 127 127

this means that the IA's are now set to 'general MIDI CC' so I can send two MIDI ON / OFF commands on two different MIDI: CC's
to break the above down

- set IA1: none <-- used to be set to 'scene1' but now set to 'none' which sets this IA to 'general' mode
c1 CC:34 0 0 <-- c1='command number 1' [cos I can up to two commands I can set up]
for CC:34 [the scenes CC number] transmit values 0 for OFF and 0 for ON [0 = scene number]
so this means IA1 selects scene1

c2 CC:20 0 0 <-- c2='command number 2'
for CC:20 [the CC number that switches modifier: extern5] transmit values 0 for OFF and 0 for ON [in this case value 0 = 'turn things off']
so this means IA1 triggers modifier: extern5 into it 'min' state in the modifier
using the example above, amp1 pans left

- set IA2: none <-- as above
c1 CC:34 1 1 <-- command 1 selects scene2 [where CC:34 = scenes value 1 is for scene2]
c2 CC:20 127 127 <-- command 2
for CC:20 [the CC number that switches modifier: extern5] transmit values 127 for OFF and 127 for ON [in this case value 127 = 'turn things on']
so this means IA1 triggers modifier: extern5 into it 'max' state in the modifier
amp1 pans centre

I set up IA3 for scene3 but did it the same as above
- set IA2: none / c1 CC:34 2 2 [where 2 = scene3]

this alone isn't enough cos all the LEDs stay lit when you hit the IA's
hit IA1 for Riff and the LED turns green, hit IA2 to Solo and that LED turns on..
now I have both LEDs on....
solution: link the IA's [section 12.5.10 in the MFC manual]
edit: setup: LinkA
you can then put in the IA numbers that you want to link
in my case I'm running 3 scenes on IA's 1, 2 and 3
LinkA 01 02 03
Thanks clarky for the detailed response, very much appreciated! -- and thanks M@ for the byte info. Just to try to reiterate what I'm trying to accomplish -- when I press an IA switch, I want it to be able to send a CC to the Axe-Fx (maybe turning on a flanger lets say), and simultaneously sending a midi note number and on value to one of my keyboard modules on a different midi channel (to trigger a sample lets say). I'm not as concerned with sending two different CC commands, although that is nice. I currently have a Rocktron AA and I know it can only do this on preset change via custom byte info, but I want to be able to do this from an IA switch. The liquid Foot can do this, but their 12 button is not enough and their 24 is too much...and they don't answer may emails. I'm hoping the MFC is just right. It's nearly the same physical dimensions as my Rocktron and would fit as a direct replacement in my custom pedal board. Hope I'm making sense? Thanks again for your reply's
clarky, you are amazingly familiar with this stuff. Looking forward to the day I get beyond the basics!
clarky, you are amazingly familiar with this stuff. Looking forward to the day I get beyond the basics!

I'm in the process of completely rebuilding my presets...
I'm including scenes / x-y with modifier control
and I'll be dialling them into the new FW10 tonal goodness too..

when this is done, I'll do a complete breakdown of how they work in the Axe and MFC, why certain decisions were made
were will be audio clips and grid layout pics...
I'll either put it all in my preset building thread...
or maybe create a new thread to capture all this [so everything is easier to find in a more compact thread]

if I get this right, there should be some pretty useful info in there
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