I want to record in Mono, but my preset is ... very stereo

sick pickle

I have a preset that has a cab block with 2 IR's, panned/left right, has stereo delays, reverbs, etc.

I want to record into Logic. I know I can record onto a single track in stereo, but I don't believe this is a good practise, especially when it comes to double tracking, etc.

So in this scenario, do I need to rework my preset to only use 1 IR, or at least, blend the two so the balance is at 0?

CleanShot 2022-10-18 at 22.34.11@2x.png
If you want a mono preset, then use a mono preset. But, I wouldn’t assume it’s bad practice to record stereo, even if you’ll be double tracking. Record two takes of the stereo preset, then mute the L channel of one and R channel of the other. Presumably you're using that stereo preset because you like it, so that will give you the stereo sound you like, but double tracked.
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You can record two mono tracks and mix them wherever in the stero spectrum you like, also. Frequently I do that with rotary, so I can pan one hard to one side and one just that side of middle, to get a sort of "halfway stereo" thing with some motion, but not taking up the entire soundstage....
Record stereo is fine imo, just be sure left and right get their own daw tracks, pre or post effects depending on your project but FM9 sounds glorious with effects on when recording as long as you don't need to go back and redo anything.
Record stereo is fine imo, just be sure left and right get their own daw tracks, pre or post effects depending on your project but FM9 sounds glorious with effects on when recording as long as you don't need to go back and redo anything.
So the idea there is two tracks….One captures left and one captures right?
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