I/O global bypass of cabs for output 2 w/o needing the FX loop block

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Fractal Fanatic
I'll first preface with: apologize if this is already a possibility, if so, it's my current lack of understanding of the Axe and have not seen this as a thread anywhere yet.

I am fully aware of the simple method of inserting fx loop block before cabs; however, I would love not needing to use the fx loop in this way and just have a global setting in the I/O menu telling the hardware to copy everything in the signal chain, and when routing it out to output 2 just defeat cab sims.

The last modeler I had was the digitech gsp1101 which had this very simple feature. Not that the Axe needs to follow any other concepts/company, it doesn't need to--Axe-Fx is superior IMO, but this was a nice feature of the 1101 which also freed up the fx block for other outboard gear.
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