I need footswitch help... (per preset switching to master layout)


So I recently started trying to use per preset switches on my main layout. I'm using my top three switches (7, 8, 9) for PP#1 2 and 3. For some reason, when I use 8 and 9 they switch over to the master layout. This isn't assigned to them anywhere that I can find, does anyone have any idea why this might be happening?

So I recently started trying to use per preset switches on my main layout. I'm using my top three switches (7, 8, 9) for PP#1 2 and 3. For some reason, when I use 8 and 9 they switch over to the master layout. This isn't assigned to them anywhere that I can find, does anyone have any idea why this might be happening?

Check for layout link assignments on those switches.
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