i just gigged the 8ma.................


well, the guitar player band in the before ours had dual rectumfrier halfstack, a five piece
metal cover band.

my band is basically classic rock/hard rock with some other surprises thrown in for good measure.
our band is a 5pc, my other guitar player uses a boogie combo, our keyboard player uses a monitor
wedge amp & a leslie clone, so our stage volume is fairly loud.

oh...........and tonight is the 1st time i've ever used my axe/fx direct to FOH, before this
i've run 2 1x12 tonkerlites powered with a carver poweramp micing with SM57's.

so............i must report that my paradigm has shifted forever :!:

i placed the 8ma right behind me, exactly where the halfstack was the set before. ;)
the 8ma sounded incredible, put out PLENTY of volume & tone & my direct
sound was identical to FOH. the soundman was very happy which is never easy.

the player from the other band was stunned. :mrgreen:
Awesome little story. Isnt it great when every truth youve ever known just goes right out the window.

Before you got up there and did your thing, were you scared shitless that the direct thing would completely tank, or what?
supersecretjim said:
Awesome little story. Isnt it great when every truth youve ever known just goes right out the window.

Before you got up there and did your thing, were you scared shitless that the direct thing would completely tank, or what?

hell yes! :oops: i've never run direct, ever, not even in a studio. the axe continues to rock my world & FRFR is incredible.
Anybody have both the 12ma and the 8ma? For moderate volumes do you need to do any significant EQing when switching between the two?
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