i can't get my Macbook Pro to recognize my Axe Ultra


New Member
I am trying to use Axe Edit and it is not recognizing the unit. I am using a midisport 2x2 which was the recommended unit to use, I connected everything as suggested in the manual and it still says not connected. I noticed in the beta forum it states that the midisport doesn't work with macbook pro????? I'm getting frustrated since I just bought this thing because it was the recommended model. Any help would be appreciated.
Open Axe Edit, click the settings tab, choose midi settings, then choose your midisport in the midi input and output tabs

Then you are free to tweak till your head spins!!
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They should work together. I have a midisport 2x2 anniversary edition that I use with a macbook pro and/or an iMac desktop without any trouble. Its likely something with your settings. I am sure we can help get you up and running.
Here are a few things you can try... Start by moving your midi cables to your midisport's input B and output B. Next, open Axe Edit, choose the Settings Tab, select MIDI Settings from the drop down menu, then choose Midisport 2x2 Anniv PORT 2 in the midi input and output tabs. Finally, make sure the USB merge button on the front of your midisport is pressed in/down. I had trouble with both of my Macs recognizing my midisport at first, but using the "B" in/outs, choosing port 2 in AxeEdit settings, and pressing the USB merge button worked. Hopefully this helps!
Mine is not the anniversary edition, the macbook didn't even do anything when I plugged in the midisport. I went to M-Audio page and downloaded a driver that made the leds light up but they didn't have a driver for my OS version (I just got the macbook last week) so I just downloaded the one with the newest version.
Do you have Ultra config selected in Axe-Edit?

Which firmware version is on the Ultra?

Does an LED blink on the 2x2 when you choose an Out port in Axe-Edit? Does the Axe-FX MIDI IN LED also blink?
make sure your cables are connected correctly. i had the same problem at first. but i switched the cables and that still didnt do anything but then i pressed the button on the midisport and it worked fine. i have a macbook pro also.
Just a heads up, it might stop working again. At least in my experience, it will connect once I reinstall the drivers... but once I've powered on/off the ultra a few times, it stops connecting and I have to reinstall the drivers again for it to connect.
How odd...
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