How to send Midi msg from FM3 to AirStep ?


New Member

I search on the forum and YT, I didn't find a way to send Midi msg to the AirStep from the FM3.
My idea is :
From the FM3, my 3 button change the Preset.

From the AirStep, I change Scenes.

So, when I change a Preset from the FM3, the Scene is not always the same, so the AirStep needs to know wich Scene is active to LightUp the corresponding Led.

For ex :
Preset 1 , with Scene 2. So the Airstep has the 2nd Led ON
from the FM3, I change to Preset 3, but the defaut scene is 1. At this point, the Led from the AirStep still the number 2, as it doenst have the information that the scene has changed from the FM3.

I tried some Midi setup, USB setup ... I m not able to send information to the Airstep from the FM3

You would need to send midi out the DIN ports.

It doesn't do midi over USB.

In any case, I don't think what you want to do is possible in any case unless the AirStep supports using midi to turn on the LED.

Otherwise, you'd create an infinite loop...
Yeah, syncing the footswitches usually requires poling the FM3 for status via Sysex messages. Not all MIDI controllers support that. The ones that do usually have a dedicated mode to sync with Fractal gear.
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