How to fix broken Global Block compressor


There is something wrong with my Global Block compressor.

Notice the compression control; it switches value between the two presets - This is exactly what Global Blocks should prevent.

I had just updated the "Kom Tilbage nu" preset, where the compression control is 4.01, but then I went to the "Walking on Sunshine" preset. Here the compression control had not updated as shown in the video. I read in the wiki that you are then supposed to save all presets with the global block in it - So after recording the video, I saved the "Walking on sunshine" preset (that I had not changed at all), and now both presets are back to the wrong value.

How do I fix this once and for all?
If the value is not updating, the link must be corrupted. Correct the value in the block and save that preset (which will update and save the global block as well). Now for any other preset that has that global block linked but is not updating automatically, unlink that global block and then relink it before saving the preset.
If the value is not updating, the link must be corrupted. Correct the value in the block and save that preset (which will update and save the global block as well). Now for any other preset that has that global block linked but is not updating automatically, unlink that global block and then relink it before saving the preset.

Yes, that's correct. Fast way to do it to copy the adjusted (linked) global block, and paste it in the other presets. Pasting preserves the link.
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