How to enable Volume block with Expression Pedal within Preset rather than globally


So I have the FV500H attached and calibrated via the pedal jack on the back of the Axe-Fx. If I go to the Controllers page, if I assign "Pedal" to Input 1 Volume things seem to work fine.

However, is there a way to attach control of what the pedal is per preset? I am pretty sure there is but yet I haven't found a way to assign the Volume block to be controlled by the actual expression pedal.

I am probably being ultra dense but I am somewhat confused? If I missed the right place in the manual or wiki then I also apologize and would appreciate any tips.

Thanks so much everyone!
Ok, so it appears I have to create a "modifier" and assign it somehow. Looking into that. One other question. When I assign the expression pedal to be used as the pedal for Input Volume 1 it really amps up the maximum volume level at full as compared to the normal preset when not using the pedal. Is there a reason for that and/or can that be adjusted? Is it something with the maximum value on the pedal perhaps, though I don't see how that would be boosting the input past the amount that the guitar sends which is what it seems like it is doing. Almost like it is controlling the volume attached as the parameter to the amp block (maybe that is what it is doing and I am too dumb to realize that is the intent :) ).

So much to learn.
Set one of the 12 External Ctrls (and nothing else) to "Pedal".

Assign that Ext Ctrl to Vol/Pan block's volume (press enter on volume parameter, choose source).
Ok, think I found it. Was able to follow the notes in the manual (reading them several times helped) and able to assign Ext1 -> Pedal and assign the Modifier to the Volume Block to be the Ext 1 source. That seems to have enabled the volume pedal. However, it still seems like the maximum volume is greater with the pedal full toe down then it is when I am not using the Volume Block. Is that expected?
It must be my imagination. Apparently I am so overwhelmed with joy at the tone I am just hearing things.

Thanks for the patience.
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