How to avoid Scenes for global Bypass block function?

Per Boysen


I can't find the four papers on the Scenes function that came as an addition to the manual, so I have to ask here. I use all eight scenes for different settings of all blocks but the FX Loop block in particular I don't want to follow the switching of scenes. I want the FX Loop block to follow only the external pedal switch I have directly assigned to "FX Loop Bypass" (CC#59). How can I achieve this?

In other words: I want the FX Loop block to stay bypassed or not bypassed all through eventual changing of scenes.

The application is that I keep a vocal mic input coming through the FX Loop input and when not singing I want it shut down.
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If you download the manual, the newest from the webpage I think its the same info on page 167-170 that you are looking for. Unfortunately I don't think its possible to do what you would like to for the moment.
I'm not sure if this works but you can try to map to a CC# to EXT modifier and control the bypass mode on the FXLoop
I'm not sure if this works but you can try to map to a CC# to EXT modifier and control the bypass mode on the FXLoop
THat's what I first wanted to do, but I see now assignable parmeter for "Bypass" in the FX Loop block? (hence the "plan B" choice to use the direct control CC#59)

Will DL the updated PDF manual too)
If you use a modifier on BYPASS mode, the block's bypass state will be controlled by MIDI instead of referring to the saved Scene Data.

Then, on the MFC-101, just set a GENERAL USE IA to GLOBAL for your Effects Loop.
Well, thanks but obviously that didn't work for me. But I solved the problem here anyway by not controlling the Bypass but the Mix parameter. Then I leave the FX Loop block on in all scenes and my stage pedal switch will indicate with a red led when the mic input is open.
Well, thanks but obviously that didn't work for me. But I solved the problem here anyway by not controlling the Bypass but the Mix parameter. Then I leave the FX Loop block on in all scenes and my stage pedal switch will indicate with a red led when the mic input is open.

Great solution. That can be helpful in other ways.
Strange, I just tried this:
I/O -> CTRL -> Ext CTRL12 CC#52
FX Loop, Byp Mode <enter> Source: Extern12
MFC 101 -> IA6 CC#52

..then I can control the FXLoop through the scenes
Strange, I just tried this:
I/O -> CTRL -> Ext CTRL12 CC#52
FX Loop, Byp Mode <enter> Source: Extern12
MFC 101 -> IA6 CC#52

..then I can control the FXLoop through the scenes

Yes, that is correct. But what you are controlling there is the Bypass Mode of the block. That's not what I needed to do here; I needed to Bypass the actual block (having its Bypass Mode set to "MUTE").
I think you could set the IA switch NOT to work as AXE controller(Cant remember the correct term) and then assign it to use the CC number you need to bypass the effect.

This way it WILL work as an on-off switch, NOT part of the scene.

Yes, that is correct. But what you are controlling there is the Bypass Mode of the block. That's not what I needed to do here; I needed to Bypass the actual block (having its Bypass Mode set to "MUTE").

The modifier controls the state of the block (engaged vs. bypassed), not the bypass mode. It just happens to be accessed via the bypass mode knob.
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