How many AXE FX III do you need for a live gig ? Linkin Park edition

Well if you're in a pro act with 2 guys on guitar, 1 on bass and go with the old mantra "2 is 1, 1 is none", you'd be looking at 6 boxes at the least.
Last thing you want is a unit to go faulty and the show to come to long halt until stuff's set up etc.
I think it's good form to have a "hot-swap" backup at that level.
Agreed, just nice to see what they used for this show. Nothing more nor nothing less than I would have expected.

Nice to see they are in the Fractal camp.
I don't have a pic, but Metallica uses 9 Axe FX III units. Three each for James, Kirk, and Robert
Edit - This video runs through the rigs for James and Kirk, showing they each have three Axe FX units
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I hope never to need to use the fire extinguisher in my cupboard (touch wood 🪵)
Ironic you state it that way! I have actually needed the fire extinguisher in my cabinet. I have never run so fast in my life! Saved thousands of dollars of loss. I’m not saying it isn’t a good idea to have a back up unit or more just pointing out some have said they have never used them. If money is no object go for it but in my mind a truly pro band will be more than capable of pulling off a gig with bare minimum equipment in a pinch.

I’m no pro an although older not ancient. I was at a large concert that lost all power. Just so happend the band members had acoustic instruments including the bass and a piano was available. I can not remember who it was but they played almost tue whole show with no power acoustic instruments and shared quite a bit of stuff they hadn’t released it but were working on and variation of some of them. The audience was in awe. One of the best shows I have ever seen and apparently I’m old enough my memory is completely failing me. All I’m fairly sure of is this was in Southern Ca LA county or Orange County. Probably better than 30 years ago.
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Ironica you state it that way! I have actually needed the fire extinguisher in my cabinet. I have never run so fast in my life! Saved thousands of dollars of loss. I’m not saying it isn’t a good idea to have a back up unit or more just pointing out some have said they have never used them. If money is no object go for it but in my mind a truly pro band will be more than capable of pulling off a gig with bare minimum equipment in a pinch.
ya - depends on the cost of a failure I guess - for Matellica, fulll replicate backup units per player makes sense (if it was me, a pocket Pod would make sense 🤣)
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