How is your FCB1010 setup and is my idea crazy?


i recently ordered an axe-fx and am eagerly waiting its arrival, whilst waiting though i'm trying to plan how my FCB1010 (with uno chip) will be setup with it...

I think what I'd like to do is to have 8 of the 10 pedals for use as IA's like srompboxes, theb the other two to move patches up and down on the afx (i think i'll only be using about 4 different patches) or even better use all 10 switches and use the bank up and down switches on the floorboard to change presets on the afx but not the floorboard.

Alternatively (which i think i read on here is how somebody else did it) patch 1 on the floorboard operates as stompboxes, but pqtch 2 selects a preset on the afx. Therefore there are 10 patches available with the press of at most 2 buttons, and 10 IA ttpe switches available too.

Are these feasible? Can anybody think of any pros or cons? How do people have theres setup?


Well, you don't need the UNO chip to do this. It's stompbox mode dedicates 5 switches as IA's. However, you can use the other switches as IA's by programming them with appropriate CC's. The downside I believe is that the indicator lights won't reflect the on/off status correctly. Jay Mitchell has posted about using his stock FCB1010 by programming the first bank as 10 IA's in this manner. In use, flip up to the next bank to access any of 10 program changes that you set up, flip back to the first bank to access your IA's - sort of like a traditional pedalboard set up.
Here is a great pdf of the differences between the factory firmware and the uno...

It states:
Choice between normal mode (10 banks of 10 presets) or “stompbox mode” : 19 banks of 5 presets (on 1 of the 2 footswitch rows) + 5 global stomp boxes (on the other row).

Possibility to automatically enable/disable each of the 5 stompboxes when selecting a patch (programmable per patch) – for this reason,
patches in stompbox mode, only have 4 possible PC messages instead of 5 (PC4 data now used to store stompbox info)

It would be great to have 10 stomps and the bank up/down be patch up/down.
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