How customisable is the footswitch layout?


Currently using a FM3 + Morningstar MC8 but looking at upgrading to FM9 depending on availability. The only downside for me would be losing two footswitches, plus I also use an external tuner with the FM3 but would probably just use the tuner in the FM9.

Would the following layout be possible on the FM9? It would essentially do the same thing as I find this layout works very well for me as I like having access to both scenes & fx at once.

Top Row (3 switches):
3 per-preset switches, left and right switches hold function to bank up and down per-preset views. Middle button hold to go to the 'master layout' i.e. scenes/presets/per preset/utility etc like on the FM3 middle hold. Once I select 'presets' here it would display presets on the bottom row, then I can go back to the master layout (and thus per-preset) by holding middle button.

Bottom row (6 switches): "Scene Mode"
First four switches, first four 4 scenes
Fifth switch, alternate between first and second set of four scenes on first 4 switches
Sixth switch, tuner

Bottom row (6 switches): "Preset Mode" after selecting presets on top menu
First four switches, first four preset
Fifth switch, preset bank up
Sixth switch, preset bank down

Hope that's not too convoluted to understand!
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That should be doable. You have 9 layouts to work with, and I think you should be able to accomplish that setup with six layouts.
You can put any switch function on any switch. You’d have to duplicate the top 3 switches on multiple layouts so they “don’t change” when you change layouts. The included layouts already do something like that, and you can customize anything at any time.
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