How can I improve patch with pitch for Kickstart my Heart?

Hi all,
Our band is looking to do Kickstart my Heart by Motley Crue - you gotta have the whammy part in the beginning! Trying to be minimalistic - not bring a floyd guitar for just that and not have to bring an expression pedal(even with it, it's not that great).

I have a patch where I have the pitch block does the dive and recover for me via footswitch 7(I think?). It's...ok - I attached the patch in hopes someone might have some ideas how to improve it? Maybe the whammy block can only do so much?

The way it works now is use scene 2, and when I click pitch on, the note drops, and when I click it again, it comes back up.

Thoughts on how to improve it? This is an AX8 with the newest firmware.


  • ++KICKSTART++.syx
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Did you try adjusting the Start, Mid, and Slope values? A lower Slope value should will give you a longer, slower dive.

Also, notice you have some 3rd party cabs in your preset. It would be a good idea to remove those when posting a preset for review. Just add some similar FAS stock cabs.
Thanks. I did mess with the slope, but I didn't really know what I was doing. It does seem that after I click the effect on, it will keep dropping till I hit the octave(I assume). Thanks on the cab stuff.
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