Home Rehearsals with Music - Easy peasy?

Big Daddy Boom

New Member
Thanks in advance for everyone's time...

So, I play at different churches every weekend and it requires me to learn new songs quickly each week.

Here is my dilemma. I don't want to set up everything every time so I can rehearse a few times throughout the week. I would love to plug in the FM9, take the audio that I need to practice, and 'plug' it into the unit, plug in my headphones, and rehearse.

On a FB group, people are suggesting to plug both, the FM9 and the audio source, into a mixer, then headphones out of the board...I would like it to be easier.

Depending on the audio source, it may be able to play via USB in the FM9. You could also plug the source into input 2.
I don’t know what “everything” is but computer USB audio comes through Out 1 and Headphones in addition to your guitar signal if using an Out 1 block in all presets. For a phone or media player it would have to plug into Input 2 or 3 meaning you have to add those Input blocks into each preset you use.
I don’t know what “everything” is but computer USB audio comes through Out 1 and Headphones in addition to your guitar signal if using an Out 1 block in all presets. For a phone or media player it would have to plug into Input 2 or 3 meaning you have to add those Input blocks into each preset you use.
Both my iPhone 11 and my iPhone 15 work directly into the FM9 with the appropriate USB-B to lightning / USB-C cable. It functions the same as if I were using audio out from a PC.
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