Help with setlists/layouts

Mark Thomas

Hey everybody! Just curious if anyone on an FM3 has had any success using an FC6/12 AXE3 SSS layout? (Manual mentions it could work if the right number of switches are available)

(FM3, FC6, 2 expression pedals, 1 external dual switch, FW 7.0, OMG9 layout)

I’ve just started setting up my setlists and songs in order to access different lead tones from other presets. Setlists would make this switching super easy obviously.

On our current tour, songs change very rarely so I’ve just been putting everything in show order and having an external switch to bank up by song. For the extra lead tones, I’ll usually scatter those presets among the show song
presets to be able to access quickly.

I sat for a few hours and tried my hand at creating a layout like the sample FM9 layout. First, I couldn’t really get the sections and song banking right on the FC6 or FM3 buttons. I also tried having a footswitch switch between layout 7 and 8. So I could return to OMG9 if needed but the FM 3 buttons never populate correctly upon return.

Anybody successfully build an OMG9 type SSS layout for the FM3?

Thanks y’all!
Hey everybody! Just curious if anyone on an FM3 has had any success using an FC6/12 AXE3 SSS layout? (Manual mentions it could work if the right number of switches are available)

(FM3, FC6, 2 expression pedals, 1 external dual switch, FW 7.0, OMG9 layout)

I’ve just started setting up my setlists and songs in order to access different lead tones from other presets. Setlists would make this switching super easy obviously.

On our current tour, songs change very rarely so I’ve just been putting everything in show order and having an external switch to bank up by song. For the extra lead tones, I’ll usually scatter those presets among the show song
presets to be able to access quickly.

I sat for a few hours and tried my hand at creating a layout like the sample FM9 layout. First, I couldn’t really get the sections and song banking right on the FC6 or FM3 buttons. I also tried having a footswitch switch between layout 7 and 8. So I could return to OMG9 if needed but the FM 3 buttons never populate correctly upon return.
The FM3 and OMG9 makes extensive use of layout-links, which trigger the FC6 to switch layouts when the FM3 switches are pressed. It’s an often-overlooked behavior that is extremely powerful.

Anybody successfully build an OMG9 type SSS layout for the FM3?

Thanks y’all!
The FC6 or FC12 works fine with the FM3, but the stock layouts don’t include the Setlist+songs layout so you have to add them into whichever layout slot you want them to be in, then touch up the other navigation to incorporate the changes.

It’s not hard to do, but because everyone has different ideas of how their layouts should flow it takes some time thinking, experimenting, adjusting, in a reiterative cycle. I don’t use the Setlist+Songs ability, but I wanted different behavior from OMG9, so I dug into it to figure out how it worked, then began trying different things to see how they “felt” as I used the FC and FM3, and after several increasingly shorter sessions got it to where I really liked it and had worked out the kinks in the flow of the presses and context switching.

Start with and, export all the current layouts, then start experimenting. Ask questions when you get stuck. We’re happy to help.

PS - It might help to draw your individual layouts on paper and then map how individual switches are going to move from layout to layout, similar to how the manuals do that. From such a set of diagrams we can work with you to create the appropriate layout and switch settings.
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The FM3 and OMG9 makes extensive use of layout-links, which trigger the FC6 to switch layouts when the FM3 switches are pressed. It’s an often-overlooked behavior that is extremely powerful.

The FC6 or FC12 works fine with the FM3, but the stock layouts don’t include the Setlist+songs layout so you have to add them into whichever layout slot you want them to be in, then touch up the other navigation to incorporate the changes.

It’s not hard to do, but because everyone has different ideas of how their layouts should flow it takes some time thinking, experimenting, adjusting, in a reiterative cycle. I don’t use the Setlist+Songs ability, but I wanted different behavior from OMG9, so I dug into it to figure out how it worked, then began trying different things to see how they “felt” as I used the FC and FM3, and after several increasingly shorter sessions got it to where I really liked it and had worked out the kinks in the flow of the presses and context switching.

Start with and, export all the current layouts, then start experimenting. Ask questions when you get stuck. We’re happy to help.

PS - It might help to draw your individual layouts on paper and then map how individual switches are going to move from layout to layout, similar to how the manuals do that. From such a set of diagrams we can work with you to create the appropriate layout and switch settings.
Seriously! Thank you! Super helpful info! I went through that manual and learned the functionality, just want to implement it now. And you’re not wrong about how complex and amazing the OMG 9 layout and view switching is!!

Next step (once I can rack and travel with the AX3) is setting up MIDI changes for the whole show and be completely free. (But the FM3 will be backup and I’ll need to really know this setup)

Thanks again!
I’ll report back!
Ah yes. The dream! :)

Definitely read up on Layout Links and how they operate and you'll not only unlock a ton of power in the FM3, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of what's going on under the OMG hood.

Another thought: some judicious use of per-preset overrides on the second "Scenes" menu of the OMG layout might also help you gain quick access to those solo tones. If you copied and pasted those sounds into their own individual presets, you could easily access them by assigning them as a "Song Section" and using a footswitch to toggle them, assuming you had the extra Sections to spare.

At any rate, 100% with Greg here. Layout links are key and there are a number of other ways to navigate what you're looking to do, it just takes a little experimentation to figure out what works best for you and your performances.
Next step (once I can rack and travel with the AX3) is setting up MIDI changes for the whole show and be completely free. (But the FM3 will be backup and I’ll need to really know this setup)
When you get to the mountaintop and start programming your AxeFX to the show, consider reserving a dedicated MIDI output for the FM3 and program its MIDI messaging at the same time. You'll thank yourself if you ever need the parachute. 🤘
When you get to the mountaintop and start programming your AxeFX to the show, consider reserving a dedicated MIDI output for the FM3 and program its MIDI messaging at the same time.
IIRC, that’s basically how people run hot-spares, two units running in parallel with MIDI used to switch everything so it’s triggering the unit that is currently sending to FOH, and the spare is shadowing it but isn’t turned up at the mixer, or maybe it’s muted. If the primary goes down the spare is ready. @Admin M@ or @Cooper Carter can ‘splain it better I’m sure.
Hey everybody! Just curious if anyone on an FM3 has had any success using an FC6/12 AXE3 SSS layout? (Manual mentions it could work if the right number of switches are available)

(FM3, FC6, 2 expression pedals, 1 external dual switch, FW 7.0, OMG9 layout)

I’ve just started setting up my setlists and songs in order to access different lead tones from other presets. Setlists would make this switching super easy obviously.

On our current tour, songs change very rarely so I’ve just been putting everything in show order and having an external switch to bank up by song. For the extra lead tones, I’ll usually scatter those presets among the show song
presets to be able to access quickly.

I sat for a few hours and tried my hand at creating a layout like the sample FM9 layout. First, I couldn’t really get the sections and song banking right on the FC6 or FM3 buttons. I also tried having a footswitch switch between layout 7 and 8. So I could return to OMG9 if needed but the FM 3 buttons never populate correctly upon return.

Anybody successfully build an OMG9 type SSS layout for the FM3?

Thanks y’all!
Just jumping in here to say… Sup Texas!!
Reporting back! I bought (awhile ago) the Austin Buddy Live Gold pack. Complete with his modified OMG9 layout. Using that structure, I built a really easy to use layout for setlists/songs.

I deep dove the OMG 9 layout and figured it out. I used his layout 5 ( looper controls which I never use) The 3 main FM3 switches are always 1) PRESETS/ tuner, 2) SCENES/more, 3) EFX/amp control. To access SET/song layout, you hold button 3 (amp control.. which takes you to layout 7 and has amp boost, saturation, bright switch, fat switch etc.. and Looper (now SET/songs) and push that switch to enter SSS mode.

Once engaged, FC6 shows :
Top row tap 1) sect 4 2) sect 5 3) sect 6
Top row hold 1) set +1 2) N/A 3) amp ctrl

Bottom tap 1) sect 1 2) sect 2 3) sect 3
Bottom hold 1) song -1 2) N/A 3) song +1

I also mirrored the “song +1” function to one of my external switches since that how I’m used to banking thru songs.

Thanks again for the help!
When you get to the mountaintop and start programming your AxeFX to the show, consider reserving a dedicated MIDI output for the FM3 and program its MIDI messaging at the same time. You'll thank yourself if you ever need the parachute. 🤘
That’s a great idea! Will do!! Thanks!
What’s up brother!! Hope you’re good! These days I’m way less Cali, a bit Texas but mostly Tennessee.. lol
Suuup!! Doing all right! Hope all’s well with you! I’m pretty much all Cali, but just the 1-2 mile radius surrounding me, haha.
Reporting back! I bought (awhile ago) the Austin Buddy Live Gold pack. Complete with his modified OMG9 layout. Using that structure, I built a really easy to use layout for setlists/songs.

I deep dove the OMG 9 layout and figured it out. I used his layout 5 ( looper controls which I never use) The 3 main FM3 switches are always 1) PRESETS/ tuner, 2) SCENES/more, 3) EFX/amp control. To access SET/song layout, you hold button 3 (amp control.. which takes you to layout 7 and has amp boost, saturation, bright switch, fat switch etc.. and Looper (now SET/songs) and push that switch to enter SSS mode.

Once engaged, FC6 shows :
Top row tap 1) sect 4 2) sect 5 3) sect 6
Top row hold 1) set +1 2) N/A 3) amp ctrl

Bottom tap 1) sect 1 2) sect 2 3) sect 3
Bottom hold 1) song -1 2) N/A 3) song +1

I also mirrored the “song +1” function to one of my external switches since that how I’m used to banking thru songs.

Thanks again for the help!
Would it be possible to share your layouts? I've been struggling with incorporating the setlists/songs layout into OMG9.

I do have the Austin Buddy Live Gold pack.
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