Help with my setup ignorance...

Hello all, I've checked everywhere and can't seem to find an answer to my issue, and I'm sure it's a noob problem. Here it is: I'm trying to setup set mode correctly so that my MFC will scroll through the songs in a set and display the song names correctly. When I have Bank size set to 1, I can scroll up/dn on the MFC and all the song names display properly, however the presets on the AxeFx II don't change. When I have bank size set to 0, I can scroll up/dn on the MFC and it correctly changes the preset on the AxeFx, however the name I see on the MFC is the preset name, not the song name. What am I missing? I'd like to display the song name on MFC and have the presets change accordingly when I scroll through the song names. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks!
best way is to copy and paste your presets and give them the song names. then just use the set list to put them in play order. other wise the best you can do is get the song name for few seconds and when the axe fx changes the preset and sends that info back to the mfc it will display the preset name.
best way is to copy and paste your presets and give them the song names. then just use the set list to put them in play order. other wise the best you can do is get the song name for few seconds and when the axe fx changes the preset and sends that info back to the mfc it will display the preset name.
Thanks for the info. So, I'm ok with this solution, but just to verify what I describe above isn't possible? I just want to make sure I'm not passing up some features because of improper setup. If it is indeed not possible, I will setup as you advise. Thanks!
as far as I know there is no way to get the set song name to stay displayed, it will only show apon selection, and then the preset name will be displayed.
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