Help with a Rhythm Patch

So guys- I've had my Ultra for a few weeks now, and I'm running into some real difficulty in getting a rhythm patch that I like.
I'm trying to get a tone similar if not identical to the first portion of this clip: Nolly Black Hawk 7 Alnico Ceramic Reamp by Shaun O on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free It's my understanding that this recording is of a 5150II through a VHT Fatbottom 4x12 mic'd with a SM57.

It would be important to mention that I'm running my Ultra through a Matrix GT1000FX into an Orange PPC410 with Celestion V30s.

If any of you could even point me in the right direction as to how you feel I should go about making a patch that sounds like that, please do so. Any input is appreciated, and specifics even more appreciated (I'm still learning the unit).

Thank you. :)
- Rick
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