Help, WET/DRY rig setup?

Hello, first time poster here. I have an Axe-fx arriving tomorrow and can't wait. I've searched this forum but can't find anything on setting up a wet/dry rig with the AF2. I've looked at the manual and can't seem to find anything there either. Can anybody point me in the right direction?

Btw, I currently have a couple Komet amps and am looking forward to see how close I can get to my K19 and Concorde. Cheers!
I hope this helps give you an idea of a way that may work for you.

As you can see, I'm using a Matrix GT1500FXBD to make the 3 channel magic happen.


The Vol/Pan block isn't necessary for a w/d/w FRFR rig.
If you're using a guitar cab on the dry channel and also driving a mixing desk:
Pan the cab to your mixer channel on OP2
Pan the Vol/Pan block to the guitar cab.​
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