Help updating firmware


New Member
Hi eveyone,

I'm finally trying to update my ultra and having a great deal of pain. I've searched quite a bit on this forum and couldn't find the information that I was looking for.

First of all here is what I'm using:
- Windows XP
- RME Fireface800 as the midi port
- MidiOX
- 1 midi cable that goes from out port of ff800 into the in port of Axe

Everytime I hit the sysex send function, my computer freezes. I've tried different midi librarian software and it's the same case. My computer itself is quite new and I've done several large projects on CUBASE and it has never frozen like this before.

Mind you, this is the first time that I'm dealing with MIDI functions of this sorts.

Can anybody out there help me out? What am I doing wrong or is it smiply an issue with my computer?

Again, be gentle please with the ligno because I'm very new to this midi bus.

have you tried using the new editor to do it ?
I did my first update yesterday with it and it was a breeze, mind you i just got my axe in like 2-3 days ago.
edgeofdarkness said:
have you tried using the new editor to do it ?
I did my first update yesterday with it and it was a breeze, mind you i just got my axe in like 2-3 days ago.

Did you require 1 or 2 midi cables?
And also, the same thing happens when I try the new editor.
I'm not sure if the RME Fireface800 is one of the known reliable ones or not (you can check in the sticky). But I would strongly suggest you find and download the most recent drivers for it. Most of the time, issues are immediately resolved once you have proper drivers.

You said you tried different Midi librarians? Have you tried SendSX? It has been extremely reliable for me. Mind you, it will not work any better than MidiOX if the issue is with the Midi interface or its drivers...

Also, not to argue with edegofdarkness, but if MidiOX fails because of the interface or drivers, I don't see why the Editor would work any better. If your computer hangs on a send, you need to work out the interface and drivers for sure.

P.S. You do *NOT* need two cables (except maybe with the Editor?)
Dpoirier said:
Also, not to argue with edegofdarkness, but if MidiOX fails because of the interface or drivers, I don't see why the Editor would work any better. If your computer hangs on a send, you need to work out the interface and drivers for sure.

This could be true if its the drivers/interface.
I have only used MidiOx to send some patches, never tried it for updating the firmware.
I actually have tried SendSX from Bome's and the issue is the same. Seems like everytime I try to send any sysex from any midi library, windows goes into the blue error screen where it say that the computer has been shut off to prevent damage.

So I'm really not sure what the issue is.

As well, I did read the list of interfaces that do work with the Axe and FF800 was one of them.

I'm not sure if at this point I should go out and get a usb based midi port to try or not.

Thanks for the help everyone but I still can't seem to get this annoying issue fixed.
ndc31 said:
I actually have tried SendSX from Bome's and the issue is the same. Seems like everytime I try to send any sysex from any midi library, windows goes into the blue error screen where it say that the computer has been shut off to prevent damage.

So I'm really not sure what the issue is.

As well, I did read the list of interfaces that do work with the Axe and FF800 was one of them.

I'm not sure if at this point I should go out and get a usb based midi port to try or not.

Thanks for the help everyone but I still can't seem to get this annoying issue fixed.
But did you update the drivers?
Dpoirier said:
ndc31 said:
I actually have tried SendSX from Bome's and the issue is the same. Seems like everytime I try to send any sysex from any midi library, windows goes into the blue error screen where it say that the computer has been shut off to prevent damage.

So I'm really not sure what the issue is.

As well, I did read the list of interfaces that do work with the Axe and FF800 was one of them.

I'm not sure if at this point I should go out and get a usb based midi port to try or not.

Thanks for the help everyone but I still can't seem to get this annoying issue fixed.
But did you update the drivers?

Dpoirier, thanks for the advice. I actually did check the RME website and looks like both my firmware and drivers were not up to date for the FF800. So the blue screen issue is gone and I was able to get midiox to send to my axe.

BUT - After the flash verifying stage, the axe froze. I waited for quite a while and decided to turn the unit off as i thought the update was done (I was mislead by the "read me file" where is instructed the Axe fx to be turned off but according to support, it will automatically re-boot once it's done upgrading). In any case... I blew the PROM.

Support was great about it though, I did some research on PROM's and opened my Axe and realized that replacing it would be simple so instead of sending the unit back, support has agreed to send me a replacement PROM for me to replace myself.

godprobe had the same issue and he suggested a trick the Cliff himself instructed. Which is to pull the battery out before re-booting the Axe again which didn't work. So now I'm just waiting for the PROM to arrive so I can replace it.

From the read of it, it sounds like a few people on this forum had similar issues with this update in terms of having to replace the prom, I'm just hoping replacing it will fix my unit cause I love this thing way too much.

One more question for you all, does it USUALLY take that long at the end of the "verifying flash" stage? I mean I waited for several minutes on that screen and the Axe didn't do anything. Is that normal? And next time I'll just leave it on and wait for the reboot.

Thanks again for the help guys and please, any answer to my last question?
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