Help needed on FW7 update


Finally getting around to doing the FW7 update and things locked up on me. At 11%, I got hundreds of error messages "No response received." and the unit is frozen in that position. Any thoughts as to what happened and how I can recover and upgrade successfully?

Do you have both Fractal Bot and FM9 Edit open at the same time? The units prefer one or the other but not both. Try using just one?
He's got an FM9...;)

Loading an empty preset helps with backup speed but not firmware updates.

My money is on a bad cable or a bad copy of the file.
If I had a bad cable, would FM9 edit work flawlessly as it does? I don't have an extra cable so I'm asking before I buy one.
Sounds like a bad/corrupted download to me or the cable is not tight in the FM9 or USB port on the computer.

If that happened to me, I would start by totally uninstalling FM9-Edit, Fractal Bot, everything Fractal related to make sure any temp/FW files are removed, and restarting my computer and the FM9. Then try a different USB port and a different cable if you have it,

I'm no programmer so take this with a grain of salt - since FM9-Edit sends bits of data upon actions within the editor or the unit itself, perhaps it would work more reliably than Fractal Bot that is sending a constant stream as the firmware package?
If I had a bad cable, would FM9 edit work flawlessly as it does? I don't have an extra cable so I'm asking before I buy one.
Yes, I think it's possible.

I don't think using the editor uses the same type of bandwidth as loading firmware.

Definitely try downloading the firmware again. That's a free and easy option to rule out.
Finally getting around to doing the FW7 update and things locked up on me. At 11%, I got hundreds of error messages "No response received." and the unit is frozen in that position. Any thoughts as to what happened and how I can recover and upgrade successfully?

Just a thought I think I saw this once on my AXE III - I dragged the update file into Fractal Bot window - dont do that - try loading it from browse for file option - some say it doesnt matter - well it did - I never dragged the file onto Fractal Bot and never had that problem again

If you dragged it into Fractal bot try what I suggested see if that helps - not all computers are created equal :)
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