Help Needed- Momentary Switch to activate Loop


Fractal Fanatic
Man, I have a bitch of a time figuring out external switches with my FC6.

Here's what I want to do-

I've got a Digitech Freqout in a loop (3) of my AxeFX. I have a momentary switch connected to the Pedal 2 jack on my FC6 (Pedal 1 is an expression pedal). I want to activate the loop with the momentary switch, essentially doing exactly what the Freqout already does when you have it set to Momentary if you'd put it in front of an amp.

I have it calibrated in the setup menu and set for Momentary. (I should note, that when I open the calibration screen, the slider is all the way on the right and when I step on the switch, it moves to the left, then back when I take my foot off of it)

Here's how I have the preset (just a standard preset so I can figure out how to apply this setup elsewhere) now-

Screen Shot 2020-03-01 at 4.04.42 PM.png

Right now, when I step on the momentary switch, it turns the loop on but I have to hit it again to turn it off. I only want it to remain on while my foot is on the switch, like a normal momentary switch behaves. I'm sure this is a no-brainer for many of you, but I've been at it for over an hour now and can't get anywhere.


Edit- I set the Pedal 2 Type to Continuous and now it's doing the opposite of what I want- the loop is activated the entire time and shuts off when I step on it, then turns back on when I take my foot off. So now I assume I have to reverse the polarity of the switch. I'm assuming this is NOT on the Ext. Switch 2 Polarity because that doesn't do anything when I change it from Normal to Reverse.
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Man, I have a bitch of a time figuring out external switches with my FC6.

Here's what I want to do-

I've got a Digitech Freqout in a loop (3) of my AxeFX. I have a momentary switch connected to the Pedal 2 jack on my FC6 (Pedal 1 is an expression pedal). I want to activate the loop with the momentary switch, essentially doing exactly what the Freqout already does when you have it set to Momentary if you'd put it in front of an amp.

I have it calibrated in the setup menu and set for Momentary. (I should note, that when I open the calibration screen, the slider is all the way on the right and when I step on the switch, it moves to the left, then back when I take my foot off of it)

Here's how I have the preset (just a standard preset so I can figure out how to apply this setup elsewhere) now-

View attachment 64479

Right now, when I step on the momentary switch, it turns the loop on but I have to hit it again to turn it off. I only want it to remain on while my foot is on the switch, like a normal momentary switch behaves. I'm sure this is a no-brainer for many of you, but I've been at it for over an hour now and can't get anywhere.


Edit- I set the Pedal 2 Type to Continuous and now it's doing the opposite of what I want- the loop is activated the entire time and shuts off when I step on it, then turns back on when I take my foot off. So now I assume I have to reverse the polarity of the switch. I'm assuming this is NOT on the Ext. Switch 2 Polarity because that doesn't do anything when I change it from Normal to Reverse.
first, no need to calibrate switches - that's for pedals only.

the "momentary" part just defines how the switch itself sends its signal - momentary vs latching. it doesn't automatically work in a momentary manner. this is the same with most gear.

to make the switch behave momentarily on the axe though, you need to use a Control Switch. that's the only way for a press/release type function.

to do this, you need to make your external switch a Stand-in switch. in short, you set the Control switch up on some Layout using a "real switch" spot. Layout 9 has some empty spots if you need it. the Control Switch is the Source in the Modifier menu. be sure to make the Control switch momentary in its menu. then you assign the Stand-in to your External switch in the Stand in Menu, pulling up Layout 9, switch 9, or whatever you assigned it to.

here's a video i did about stand-in switches:

Thanks, Chis.

I already have 2 other dual button footswitches set up and using Switches 1-4 on my FC6. I can still have one of the Pedals act as a stand-in?

(I heavily relied on your video to figure out how to do that)
Thanks, Chis.

I already have 2 other dual button footswitches set up and using Switches 1-4 on my FC6. I can still have one of the Pedals act as a stand-in?

(I heavily relied on your video to figure out how to do that)
oh you have the switch in the PEDAL jack, not the switch jack. i missed that.

i'm not sure a switch can be used on the Expression Pedal jack, because it's expecting a pedal, not a switch. this may not work. Stand-in switches only work for switch jacks, as pedal jacks aren't for switches.

might need to use a Pedal jack on the Axe itself - that one can be expression pedal or switch.
Damn, that's probably what I read previously and assumed it worked with the FC pedals as well. Bummer, I was really hoping to just run one cable to the pedalboard and that's it.

Thanks, Chris!
This should be possible by assigning that FC's Pedal 2 as a bypass modifier for the In 3 block. There you can swap min/max or start/end if needed. (IIRC, swapping may not be required as the default is Min = On.)
This should be possible by assigning that FC's Pedal 2 as a bypass modifier for the In 3 block. There you can swap min/max or start/end if needed. (IIRC, swapping may not be required as the default is Min = On.)

Ah! You are not incorrect, however I need to tweak this and see where it'll take me.

I swapped the Start/End around, but when I step on the switch, which is engaging the pedal when I step on it, however, the actual effect of the pedal is only heard for a split second, during the travel from End to Start, when I take my foot off. It's also changing the channel from A to C whenever I hit the switch, which is odd.


I got it!!!!

Bakerman was correct, I had to switch the Start/End.

The channel switching from A to C was what was causing the effect to only be heard on the travel back from End to Start. I believe this was because I was mucking about in the MIDI/Remote section and set the Channel on Output 3 to be controlled by FC 1 Pedal 2 because I'm an idiot and didn't pay attention to what I was doing.


After I eat dinner I'm going to clean up my posts and make it more clear/tutorial type in case anyone else wants to use a momentary switch in the Pedal jack of their FC.

This just brightened up my day!
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