Help Me Understand a 2290


I'm trying to dial in my 2290 sound on a particular preset, and it seems like I need to work with some of the deeper 2290 parameters to get what I want. (Perhaps not...but that's where I feel like I'm headed). Honestly, I don't understand them. It really boils down to that basic problem. Q? Slope? Gain? (Gain is in relation to these other things?) I'm lost. I can use my ears to see what the high and low cut filters do to the overall sound. That's not quite as tricky.

I tried the Wiki, but didn't see anything specifically written about the 2290 parameters.

What I'm trying to achieve is a tighter, more percussive bottom end and a bit more midrange. I would think EQ would do the trick, but I'm not positive.

Can anyone send me in the right direction?

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