Help me troubleshoot: Audio stopped working from Mac -> Axe (Fixed)


I am pretty sure that the issue is some setting I tweaked in the AxeFX as I was changing AxeFX settings while troubleshooting an unrelated issue. I have a second mac and they both exhibit the same issue:

Guitar > AxeFX > Monitors works as always.
Mac (both DAW (Logic) and system audio Play and show levels, but there is no audio coming out of the Axe.

In the Mac, I see and have selected Axe-FX 3 as input and output. I have done this in Logic as well.

I have gone through Section 3 in the manual and I think that I set it the way it was when it worked. I'll note that in "Audio/MIDI Setup" when I go to "Configure Speakers," the "Test Audio" buttons don't give me audio. (Out1 is set to Out1L and Out2 is set to Out1R).

The project in Logic is setup for 48k.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Here are my I/O settings:

Screenshot 2024-08-31 at 2.23.28 PM.png
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Try a different USB cable?

Also, check the Meters page on the front panel Home screen to see if there is any signal getting to the Axe III via USB. You should see signal at USB IN 1 and 2 with DAW/Computer playback.
Try a different USB cable?

Also, check the Meters page on the front panel Home screen to see if there is any signal getting to the Axe III via USB. You should see signal at USB IN 1 and 2 with DAW/Computer playback.

I've tried different cables.

I do see signal at USB IN1+2
They are connected to Output 2 and I have Output 2 set to "Copy Output 1." Also, I get audio from Guitar -> Axe -> Monitors

There’s your problem. “Copy Output 1” doesn’t operate on playback audio from your computer. Audio routing on the AxeFX can be confusing and inscrutable at times.

Your first stop whenever you have a “How come I don’t hear anything?” moment should be the meters page. Look at the meters page on the main screen. It will show your audio is coming out of output 1.

I deleted my last post as it was wrong. Switching the monitors to Output 1 did work. I had just forgotten to raise the Out1 Level knob (duh). I don't even remember why I had set them up for Out2, so I guess I am good now (yet still confused as to what broke)

Crazy that it had worked for so long the other way. My Output Mapping has always been set at 1/2 -> OUT1, 3/4 -> OUT2
Like GlennO said, Copy Output 1 does not include the USB monitoring feed. If you had the Output Mapping set the other way before (1/2 -> OUT2, 3/4 -> OUT1), it would have worked on Output 2.
It is great to see people with the knowledge helping others with issues so readily! I know it wasn’t my problem but I’ll say thanks anyway!
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