Help me! No frequencies over 5k?

Dru Nature

New Member
Hello, I have been using the Axe Fx2 for about 3 years now and I really do enjoy it.

I have been working on recording some new stuff and after complaints about it not having any top end I am realizing that none of my recordings have any audio information above 5khz.
I've measured with a graphic EQ many random presets and every one of them ends abruptly at 5k, sometimes with a tiny bump around 10k.
I cannot post any pics yet or i would share a screen shot of my fabfilter.

I have tried to see if there are any high cuts on the drive, amp or cab blocks that might be affecting this, but they are all set to 20k.
I am a bit confused by this, is this a fatal error - glitch? or am I missing a high cut somewhere in the global settings?
please help me

I know from putting an sm57 in front of a tube amp that there should just be audio information going all the way up the chart, not abrupting cutting off dramatically and cleanly at 5khz.

something isn't adding up for me. any advice or help is greatly appreciated.
yeah, it happens with any guitar. Here are two presets and a screnshot of fabfilter.


  • JCM800 TD808 Mastodon fx.syx
    6.3 KB · Views: 4
  • Recto Orange Protypes.syx
    6.3 KB · Views: 2
  • Axe Fx recto.png
    Axe Fx recto.png
    79.7 KB · Views: 26
I have no FXII, but is it possible to generate a high frequency tone with the synth block (no cab, no amp, no other blocks than what is necessary), maybe combined with the pitch block to add some octaves up, and send that out to see what the outcome is?
Just guessing here but that might be some setting limiting your digital sampling rate. . If, for example, you were limited to 44.1. Khz, your top frequency would be 22.05 Khz. If your sampling rate was 22.05 KHz, your top usable frequency is 11.025 KHz. If your sampling rate was 11.025 KHz, then your top frequency would be half that, 5.50125 Khz.

If you can determine the actual maximum usable frequency, you should be able to pin down a sampling rate problem, if there is one.

That seems to fit quite well with your screen shot. Looks like the cutoff is right around 5.5 KHz.
Tell us more about your recording setup. Are you using the AFII standalone or are you using a computer to control it? (Axe-Edit, on what?)
What's your DAW setup?

I'm willing to bet that the problem is not within the AFII. You've got a bandwidth limitation set in something else that it's connected to.
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