HELP: AXE-FX + Decimator ProrackG ???


Hi guys, after a long wait, I managed to get all the needed to fully route my rig together... (so far, I have only played my amp, Diezel herbert, with the ProrackG, or recently the Axe-fx).

Now I received my cables order, and well, I started to routing it, and got some good problems...

I tried 2 routings I read in the forum... these ones:


guitar -> ISP decimator pro rack g channel 1 input
-> ISP decimator pro rack g channel 1 output -> Axe-FX input 1
-> Axe-Fx output 1 -> Amp
-> Fx loop send -> ISP decimator pro rack g channel 2 input
-> ISP decimator pro rack g channel 2 output -> Axe-FX input 2
-> Axe-FX output 2 -> Fx loop return.

guitar > axe-fx input 1
axe-fx output 1> ISP channel 1 input
ISP channel 1 output > amp's input

amp's fx loop send > ISP channel 2 input
ISP channel 2 output > axe-fx input 2
axe-fx output 2 > amp's fx loop return

I think there is something wrong in the routing, cause because it did NOT work, and even more, I got an amazing high whistle... If I used the Axe-fx as a preamp, it was noisy, and almost could hear it (and all very very very high volume.. so wrong), and when I used the fx loops, and use the herbert as a preamp, I got the Whistles... really annoying...

I knwo there is something wrong... but cant find what...

I tried another routing, which I cant remember at the moment, must check it out tomorrow when I back to the studio, that worked a little better, BUT I couldnt see the ISP to almost work... it didnt do almost anything...

SO please... I BEG YOU HELP... how should I route them to work together PERFECTLY ???

Thank you somuch, and I hope someone can help a newby in this fx-noise gates, and weird things like myself ( a totally newby !!! I admit).

I run my Axe with my modded ProRackG fine. However I run a 3TM modded MP-1 into the ISP only. My Ultra is outside the ISP. If I'm using the Ultra without the MP-1, I use the gate on it and it seems to work fine.

Not sure if this will give you something or not but here is the layout for my signal path. You might be able to see something in there:

Guitar>X2 Wireless Receiver

X2 Wireless Unit>Dunlop 535Q Input
Dunlop 535Q Output> Axess BS-2 Input

Axess BS-2 Main Output> ISP ProRackG Channel A Input
ISP ProRackG Channel A Output>Axess GRX-4 IN:Buf

---Loop 1---
Axess GRX-4 Loop 1 SND>ADA MP-1 3TM Input
ADA MP-1 3TM Output>ISP ProRackG Channel B Input
ISP ProRackG Channel B Output> Axess GRX-4 Loop 1 RTN

---Loop 2---
Axess GRX-4 Loop 2 SND>Axe FX Input 1 L
Axe FX Output 2 L> Axess GRX-4 Loop 2 RTN

Axe FX Output 1>FOH

Axess GRX-4 Out (next to Loop 3)>Axess GRX-4 In (Next to Loop 4 SND/NC)

Axess GRX-4 OUT/NO>VHT Input

Roland EV-5>Ground Control Pro Pedal 1 (or Axe FX Pedal L)
VHT Ch. A speaker L-R>Bogners

Worse comes to worse contact Buck at ISP. He walked me thru my setup on a Sat. morning and even gave me his cell number if I had problems. Great guy and should be able to help you out.
Hello there,

I just use my AXE-FX with the ProRackG

- EV Re-2 Wireless Transmitter
- ISP ProRckG - Channel one
-AXE FX Input
- AXE Loop
ISP ProRckG - Channel two
AXE FX Return
Output 2 to Tube Power Amp

The good thing is, i can use the second channel only with HiGain Sounds, for clean settings the loop is turned of
The bad thing is, I loose one of the outputs using it as a loop

PS: Your ProRackG is modded? What have you done?
luke2105 said:
Hello there,

I just use my AXE-FX with the ProRackG

- EV Re-2 Wireless Transmitter
- ISP ProRckG - Channel one
-AXE FX Input
- AXE Loop
ISP ProRckG - Channel two
AXE FX Return
Output 2 to Tube Power Amp

The good thing is, i can use the second channel only with HiGain Sounds, for clean settings the loop is turned of
The bad thing is, I loose one of the outputs using it as a loop

PS: Your ProRackG is modded? What have you done?

Check out Bucks reply on this page: ... p&start=45

If your unit's manufacture date is after 11/07 it should already have this done. Cleans up the artifacts nicely. Great mod.
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