Headphones that are matched with the QSC K12's?


Having infants have forced me to use headphones while practicing at home.
However, when I set up patches with my headphones at home, I have realized that it doesn't even sound remotely close when I play the patches at gigging volume with my band using K12's.

Are there any specific headphones that are a good match with the K12's, or will any of the high-end headphones recommended on this forum be good? I have pretty crappy headphones right now (Sennheiser HD202) right now.

Any suggestions, not crazy-expensive?

- jonah
There will always be a sound difference due to room acoustics, the position of the listener, etc. You will never match the headphone sound and gigging volume through K12's perfectly because the ear responds to frequency bands differently at differing volumes.

I use Sennheiser HD650s, which are pretty much top notch for headphones. They're good for setting up initial patches, but tweaking is always needed when playing at a higher volume, and even from venue to venue.
Yup, I realize that I still will have to tweak, but I will be closer. :)
Right now it sound like I'm playing through a pocket-Pod, so anything will be an improvement.

I'll look in to those Sennheisers, thanks!

- jonah
Pointless exercise IMHO. However, what has worked for me is to fine-tune live/loud patches to the point where I like them, then get used to what they sound like in headphones. That way, it's not too hard to set up a similar, or slightly varied patch in headphones and be confident it's in the ball park for live work. For example, I know my balanced loud tones have a lot of low muddy mids and rolled off highs in my AKG K240 headphones.
Pointless exercise IMHO. However, what has worked for me is to fine-tune live/loud patches to the point where I like them, then get used to what they sound like in headphones. That way, it's not too hard to set up a similar, or slightly varied patch in headphones and be confident it's in the ball park for live work. For example, I know my balanced loud tones have a lot of low muddy mids and rolled off highs in my AKG K240 headphones.

That would be the same even if I got better headphones. The difference would be that there would be less tweaking left to do to get a good live sound, compared to the headphones I have now.

- jonah
I copy the presets I use live and tune them to sound as best as I can for the head phones I use (Sony HD 7509's) which are not the best but work and are comfortable.
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