Haven’t upgraded my firmware since 2.9...what to expect?

So I’ve been enjoying my AxeFx 2XL+ so much over the last couple of years that I realized I haven’t updated my firmware since 2.9.

So...uh...what can I expect if I upgrade to the latest firmware. Is there a compiled list somewhere that I can see what each of the updates do? I was really impressed with the couple of updates I did early on.
Quantum 2.9 or the original F2.9, which I'm guessing isn't possible since your XL+ would of shipped with something far newer than that....

Not sure...I checked it the other day and it was Quantum 2.something and less than 3.0 because when I updated my AxeEdit it said I needed at least 3.0. I thought I had updated it to at least 3 but I guess I hadn’t.
Lots of major improvements. The feel lately has gotten much better in addition to being easier to dial in great tone using mostly basic controls. Back up your presets, then you will want to reset your amp block on your presets and redial them in. Not sure if a soft reset will do (selecting a different amp model, then reselect the desired amp model). This will set defaults on many parameters but not all. Maybe someone from fractal can comment if a soft reset is sufficient. After that redial as usual, and don't forget to visit the speaker comp setting and dial to taste. It should be well worth the trouble. Best luck.
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