Has anyone used a vader cab with thier axe fx?

It sounds great, mainly for high gain tones. 5150 and FAS Modern patches sound exceptionally well. Was lacking in the crunchy, lower-gain dept. but who buys a Vader for that?
I used a Vader cab for a while. I didn't really like it honestly. The speakers are bassy and very dark sounding. They seem to have a steep rolloff past maybe 4-5kHz, way more than Celestions I have used.

I go FRFR now, so I don't use any cabs. I love it and would recommend it to anyone who cant get the exact tone they want out of their cabinets.
I'd like to throw my two cents in on this one, as I owned a Vader for quite some time. I now own an Orange 4x12 (which I'm looking to trade for a Vader), and right off the rip I can say that the Vader compliments the Axe a million times better than the Orange cab. I'm not a fan of Vintage 30's though!
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