Has anyone been able to "add to cart" this week?

Just wondering if I missed the window of opportunity or if there just haven't been any made available this week. I've been checking every half hour or so for a couple of days. I know, crazy.
there were some available Monday. i just went ahead skip the waiting list and ordered mine.i'll get it later today..can't wait.
Is there a purpose to the waiting list at this point? I seem to remember 50-100 bucks off if you were waitlisted. Is this all I'm sacrificing if I successfully "add to cart"? Is Fractal still going by a list?
TylerDurden said:
Is there a purpose to the waiting list at this point? I seem to remember 50-100 bucks off if you were waitlisted. Is this all I'm sacrificing if I successfully "add to cart"? Is Fractal still going by a list?

At this point, anyone can pay a $100 premium and bypass the list. Cliff said in an earlier post that he adds inventory to the online store every morning (which is limited by how many MFC's he can fit in his trunk) and when they sell out that is it for the day.

The serial number on my unit received this week was in the 60's - so either they are not sending them out in sequential order or there is not many available each day.
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