Guns and roses


Does anyone have any tasty Guns n Roses / slash patches?
Currently just messing about with the marshall amp sims but im sure someone has got some nicely tweaked patches.
Im also interested in that Welcome to the jungle intro delay if anyone has a nice patch for it.
I saw this post just as I was going to start a thread on the same subject! :lol:

I've been tweaking forever but I just can't seem to get the Slash sound. Mostly I've been using the Fryette for my Marshall-style patches but I think there's something significant going on with the EQ I just can't get right. Doesn't help that I'm not using a Les Paul either. :|
AdamCook said:
Try a JCM800 with a Rat pedal in front for starters. That will get you pretty close.
OK, I just tried this. I find the Fryette with a Fat Rat pedal sounds better to my ears but I can't shake this muddiness out of the tone regardless of which amp model or drive block I use. Tried fiddling with all the advanced parameters but it still isn't there. :/
There is already a pretty good patch in there. I thinks its called Sweet Child. I used it just the other day.
When you can play as well as Bumblefoot I don't think it matters that much what brand of amp you use. On youtube he has some videos showing him making his most recent solo album Abnormal and I actually think the Vetta II sounds pretty good on that disc. Go figure.
I tried a while back but found it hard to replicate Slash's old-school tone. Here is a list of gear that he was said to have used.


Modded Marshall 1959 Super Lead with an extra preamp valve for extra gain (
I saw a interview with his tech saying he used Marshall cabs with Greenbacks but I have also seen articles that say he used V30's (he uses these live).

Mics were almost certainly SM58s for his electric.


A combo of Marshall 2555 Silver Jubs (I would love Cliff to add one of these!) and a JCM800 blended in the mix. Not heard any info on Cabs/Mics but my guess is a combo of Greenbacks and V30's again.

Mike Clink the produced was quoted saying that he tracks guitars using a DBX160 compressor, Slash has these in his live rigs, I guess this came from the recordings.

Hope this was useful and when you get a patch could you share it please ;)

xpenno said:
I tried a while back but found it hard to replicate Slash's old-school tone. Here is a list of gear that he was said to have used.


Modded Marshall 1959 Super Lead with an extra preamp valve for extra gain (
I saw a interview with his tech saying he used Marshall cabs with Greenbacks but I have also seen articles that say he used V30's (he uses these live).

No overdrive pedals of any kind?
Stringtheorist said:
xpenno said:
I tried a while back but found it hard to replicate Slash's old-school tone. Here is a list of gear that he was said to have used.


Modded Marshall 1959 Super Lead with an extra preamp valve for extra gain (
I saw a interview with his tech saying he used Marshall cabs with Greenbacks but I have also seen articles that say he used V30's (he uses these live).

No overdrive pedals of any kind?

Not that I have read about, the only report of Slash using drive pedals was on the VR records...

I have a 1970 100w Marshall Super Tremolo modded by Tim Caswell (who was thought to have modded Slash's) and the extra preamp valve give it a shitload of extra gain!
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