grainy sound w/ real cab?


New Member
i've got a standard upgraded to 7.04. i run that into an sla-2 and than into a 2x12 with g12h30 and a v30 in it. with power amp on and cab sims off i get a very grainy sound that is unpleasant. all the different amps have a very similar sound as well, almost like the old pod series. :roll:
switching cab sims on makes the sound very muddy and way too bass/mid heavy as would be expected. anyone else have this problem? im thinking of ditching the cab and getting a passive FRFR speaker to remedy this, or dumping the sla2 and cab both and getting a powered monitor.

the crazy thing is i use to run the standard into my xtc classic loop and use it as a power amp into this same cab with fantastic results. that was with firmware 5.04, which i assume shouldn't matter too much.

any thoughts?
I, too, am struggling with going through a power amp (SLA-2 and Marshall 2020) into a real 2x12" cab.
It gets harsh or muddy fast, and the right mixture in between is a tough call.
I, too, have the impression that I can get almost all similar amps (by category clean, crunch, high gain) to sound very similar by turning their amp parameters.

I got the Ultra with firmware 6.04 and I was impressed at first, but at the moment I'm fighting (with 7.04)...

Good luck and post your progress...
jccobb2 said:
i've got a standard upgraded to 7.04. i run that into an sla-2 and than into a 2x12 with g12h30 and a v30 in it. with power amp on and cab sims off i get a very grainy sound that is unpleasant.
How do you have the SLA-2 configured? That matters quite a bit.

all the different amps have a very similar sound as well, almost like the old pod series. :roll:
From your description, I'd say you're driving the SLA-2's input into clipping. Which output are you using from the Axe-Fx, and how do you have its control and the amp attenutors set?
i'm not clipping the inputs on the PA. running a 1/4 inch out of the out 1 on the axe, gain halfway up into channel 1 of the SLA-2. output mode set to l+r sum on the axe.

when i turn cab sims on it smoothes the high end the way i like and gives the character back, but becomes flubby on the low end and way to bass heavy.

the sla2 isn't bridged
FWIW AXE-SLA-2 2x12 Cavin Legacy Cab I had the same problem when using V30's... I swaped them out for EVM12l's and opened the back and WoW what a difference... I also tried FHFH for a while but I dig this better....
Not sure why your having problems.

I run the Axe to an Art SLA-1 (bridged) with amp set to -9bd into a VHT 2x12 with 1 x g12H and 1 x V30.

I have none pf teh problems you talk of. Either your way more of a "perfectionist" that me, or something is wrong.

While its tru some of teh amps seem similar - thats cos there all going through the same cab so its gonna have an affect. That said there is a distinct difference between a Plexi and HiWatt, a Recto and Das Metal, a D60 and an SLO etc even if their in the same "ballpark".

FWIW I have a real VHT 50St that I can emulate with the axe almost perfectly with a Hiwatt sim (close enough for me and my mates to not tell the difference in a live room), and in the same room if my mates Orange Thunderverb that the axe emulates just as closely with a D60 - though the Cornford is very close too. The Plexi 2 is very nice for classic 70s stuff too - better than any Marshall Ive tried (though Ive never actually had a plexi ;) .
paulmapp8306 said:
Not sure why your having problems.

I run the Axe to an Art SLA-1 (bridged) with amp set to -9bd into a VHT 2x12 with 1 x g12H and 1 x V30.

Hi Paul,

Where did you get your SLA from?
I run it thru a Marshall EL84 20/20 and a 2x12 (V30) without / cab sim (2nd output) and it works really good. What I found, you can't use the presets, without configuration. Most of them are too harsh. I did all my live presets from scratch. Keep in mind, what sound and what amp do you want to use and begin. What really works is a Drive with a clean amp sound. Last tip: you must build your sounds at that level, you are playing on stage. Configuaration in the kitchen, while watiching TV sucks. AND: don't work too long at one sound. There is a time you can't hear anything :)
Wow, you're turning the Presence on the 2020 that way up? No wonder you have to tame the highs in the Axe...
I was using a 2020 until yesterday, too, but to me a SLA-2 works better.
The bass boost switch on the 2020 is too big a boost and without it it sounds too thin.
The presence gets harsh fast, too. I really was not getting good sounds with it and the Axe (works great with a H&K Access preamp though...).
Today was my first gig with the Axe where I was almost completely happy with my new rig, still some tweaking to do, but at least I now have the hope and impression that I can get it "there".

BTW: One thing that made a big difference was not to use the inline gate but a dedicated gate block after the amp sim with the trigger set to input. I don't know why, but the inline gate made the sound of my guitars very mid heavy when turning down the guitar volume, the dedicated gate does not.
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