Got Yngwie?

I was hoping that someone here might have a really good Yngwie Malmsteen patch they might share. I am interested in a direct recording patch rather than a live patch.

I haven't really looked into dialing one in yet myself, as this is just something that I was looking for for fun rather than for tracking... I'm working on some neoclassical arpeggio exercises and thought it would be fun to play over some Yngwie tracks using his sound. To unleash the fury, so to speak. :p

Now, I know that Yngwie is a controversial figure and you either love him or hate him, so please let's not turn this thread into anything having to do with debating his skills or his charms, okay? Please. Pretty please! :lol:

Check out the Ultra banks. I'd share my Yngwie preset here, but it's in that bank, I think called "Yngwie." It's pretty simple.
last time i messed with it, it wasnt having any luck. The dod od pedal and hs3 pickups have a lot to do with the sound fyi. I have both, just havent had a lot of time to sit and mess with it. it's on my every growing list of crap to do.
I've tried the Yngwie patch and (surprise!) it doesn't make me sound anything like him. ;)

That being said, if you break down how he gets his bubbly arpeggio sound (cranked 50w Marshalls pushed by an OD pedal fed by HS-3s), you can go from there.

Since he's using single coils, he gets a bright sound in the neck position. I too use bright neck single coils (Dimarzio PAF Joe and Dimarzio Chopper) and I can get that type of sound using my own presets which are based off a 3TM MP-1 with an ADA Ampulator (full tone, no scooped mids with a bit of boost for treble and presence). In the Axe-FX I ended up using the USA Lead 2 preamp/amp with the 412 75W cab and the graphic EQ set to boost the last 2 bands a little (2 db and 4db).
I saw this info posted on the Petrucci forum, which supposedly comes from Yngwie's guitar tech.


The speakers Yngwie uses are Celestion G12T-75
Many published sources wrongly claim he uses Greenbacks or 30 watt speakers but that is not the case. He dislikes speaker distortion as he needs a tight response for quick picking and thus uses the 300w cabs on a 50 watt amp head.

I know because I got Yngwie his CELESTION endorsement deal when we had to re-fit several of his old speaker cabs.
When we took them apart...... Poof..... 75 watters.

Typical Amp Settings
These vary slightly based on specific amp
Presence =4-6
Bass =4-5
Mid= 4-6
Treble =6-7
Always add Hall Reverb around 1.7-2.9 seconds depending on song tempo

ADD EQ for guitar at mixing console as follows........
160 Hz and below shelving +3db
180 Hz Parametric +5-6 db
1.6K Parametric +1 db
4.7K and above shelving +3 db

When listening to your amp be sure you are at least 15-20 feet away MINIMUM and NOT directly in front of it.
Be off to one side to avoid hearing an exagerrated high end harshness that will fool you into boosting bass too much and cutting high end to try and "smooth" out or "warm up" sound.

8-46 guage

To adjust guitar you should have a small ruler and a capo (to clamp 1st fret).

1) With no Capo installed, tune guitar to playing pitch and adjust springs (3 of them) so back of tremelo is 1/8" off body.

2) Now install Capo at 1st fret.

3) Adjust string height so the HEIGHT OF STRING ABOVE THE FRET AT THE 17th FRET is 1/16" (4/64") for the High e string, b string, g string.
d string should be just barely over the 1/16" (by a smidge).
The A and low E string must be slightly more than 1/16' (4/64") and can be as much as 2.0 mm (5/64").
NOTE: 2.0 mm is just a bit more than 1/16"

4) Check Tuning

5) With Capo still at First fret, depress the last fret where neck meets body (around 19-20th fret)
And with a feeler guage, measure either the A or D string gap between string and fret at the 8th fret position.
There should be some slight relief (gap) of about 0.010 "Â
NOTE: This is about the thickness of a Fender Thin guitar pick or Deluxe Business Card.

Many guitars have a rattle and buzz problem because of no relief.
You will quickly see this problem if when you do this test, the strings are literally touching the fret at fret# 8 during this test.

If needed, adjust truss rod to get that 0.010" relief.

6) Check Tuning

7) Now with all the above settings correct and the capo removed and no strings being pressed down.
Lay the guitar down on it's back.
Measure string height at the 12 fret.
The top 4 strings should be 1/16" and the A and low E should be between 1/16" and 2.0 mm.

8) If everything was done right, this guitar should be now set up to the same specs Yngwie plays with.
Thru an amp you will hear no fret rattle or buzz.
When playing unplugged, only a hard picking should cause a small but acceptable amount of fret noise in the middle 4th-11th fret region of the neck due to string vibration

Depress high e & Low E string at last Fret on highest fret on the neck...
Measure distance from string to Pole piece of pickup

NECK PUÂ Â Â (treble side = 1.0mm) (bass side= 1.0mm)
BRIDGE PUÂ (treble side = 0.5 mm) (bass side = 2.0 mm)
NOTE: this is closer than factory spec but Yngwie likes it this way.

The rig is as follows.........
Guitar >>>>> DOD250 (NOT Yellow -grey only)>>>>>> Boss NS2 Noise Suppresor>>>> Amp Hi Input (upper left) (no bridging inputs) >>>>>>>> Powerbrake (or THD Hotplate if needed) >>>>>>> Speaker Cab 4X12 with Celestion G12T-75 speakers

When using gray DOD 250 pedals use the loop in the Boss NS2 pedal
When using new DOD308 pedal, run Overdrive and Noise Pedal in sinple series

The "key" ingredients to the Yngwie sound are..............

1) HS3/YJM pickups

2) Light strings on scalloped neck for vibrato

3) Gray DOD Overdrive Pedal (new YJM308 as second choice).... but NOT the Yellow 250 reissue pedal.

4) A vintage style Marshall head without all the modern higain preamp distortion.

5) Celestion G12T-75 watt speakers (greenbacks and others dont do it right....too mushy and weak on low end..... vintage 30s are often too thick in the mids and give a muddy tone that ruins clarity.... but Mesa Rectifier players love them.)

From what I've read, I believe that Yngwie typically use 50W 1987XL Plexi heads.

I tried playing with the above settings in the Axe-Fx and didn't have too much luck. I'm not sure what is closes to the DOD pedal, but I tried a couple, eventually settling on the Super OD. I'm sure it is possible to get close, but I didn't want to spend so much time at the moment dialing in this tone as to distract myself from actually practicing the arpeggios, etc, (as I'm prone to do :oops: ). If anyone is more motivated to try their hand at this tone or perhaps has something similar, I would be interested. Otherwise, I'm sure I'll revisit it at some point when I need less practice. :roll:

According to DiMarzio tone chart, the HS-3 specs out as:

Treble 6.5
Mids 6.0
Bass 6.0

@ whopping 23.72k (this has to be a misprint)

So you might want to to place an EQ as your first item in line and boost the treble a little, and boost your output

Comparatively speaking they list their PAF as:

Treble 6.0
Mid 5.0
Bass 5.0

luke said:
According to DiMarzio tone chart, the HS-3 specs out as:

Treble 6.5
Mids 6.0
Bass 6.0

@ whopping 23.72k (this has to be a misprint)

So you might want to to place an EQ as your first item in line and boost the treble a little, and boost your output

Comparatively speaking they list their PAF as:

Treble 6.0
Mid 5.0
Bass 5.0

The 23.72k is just the DC resistance of the coils and the specs are on their site are correct. However, the only instance in which knowing this value has any meaning is if you're testing the pickup for an internal short.

BTW, if you're using a Drive block in your signal chain, the last thing you would want to do is add an EQ block to boost your signal even more. The HS-3 and YJM pickups are very low output. The tonal response numbers (for Dimarzio pickups) have nothing to do with a pickup's actual power which is given in millivolts.

Yngwie's signal philosophy is to use low out pickups for a clear, clean tone then boost it with the YJM OD pedal before it goes into the cranked Marshalls.
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