Got FM-9 email


I got FM-9 email yesterday since I had put myself on waiting list. Of course I jumped to AXEFXIII MkII I need to respond to email to let them know to move on to next person on list or anything?
They’ll hold the invitation open for a while. It’s good form to let them know if you don’t intend to purchase so they can make the unit available to someone else.

Email directly or call them.
I responded to the email. Hopefully someone will be made happy today! I know I'm happier with the III MkII Turbo. I think it was the better choice for than than the FM-9 because I really only play in my office. Sold my FM3 for asking to get someone else on the FAS trip. SC
Thanks for having the courtesy to respond but this is not necessary to move the waitlist forward. Since a given number of people will NOT let us know they've decided against ordering, we actually plan around this and pad each day's outgoing count by a carefully managed percentage.
Thanks for having the courtesy to respond but this is not necessary to move the waitlist forward. Since a given number of people will NOT let us know they've decided against ordering, we actually plan around this and pad each day's outgoing count by a carefully managed percentage.
"Carefully managed percentage" that's right it's FAS...should've know there was a plan! ;)
I got FM-9 email yesterday since I had put myself on waiting list. Of course I jumped to AXEFXIII MkII I need to respond to email to let them know to move on to next person on list or anything?
When did you get on the wait list?...asking for a friend lol
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