Good method to model an amp I own?


It's been a long road from where I started, with a Gibson amp and Kent guitar, through the Fender and Firebird years, through the Les Paul and Marshall years and on and on. In recent years I have been embracing solid state and digital to the point where I have been rehearsing and gigging with a pedalboard and a Boss Katana running a patch I developed over a week of tweaking in the editor software. That amp sounds absolutely wonderful to me now, to my absolute amazement, especially considering where I come from. With that patch, it's the equal of any of my other amps, and I have a few.

I have been in Fractal World for only a few weeks but I duplicated my physical pedalboard in the FM9 to the point where I don't much miss it. Now I want to try to duplicate the amp inside the FM9, so I don't even have to bring it anymore.

What is a good way to approach this challenge? Has anybody here actually done something like this? How did it go for you?
It's been a long road from where I started, with a Gibson amp and Kent guitar, through the Fender and Firebird years, through the Les Paul and Marshall years and on and on. In recent years I have been embracing solid state and digital to the point where I have been rehearsing and gigging with a pedalboard and a Boss Katana running a patch I developed over a week of tweaking in the editor software. That amp sounds absolutely wonderful to me now, to my absolute amazement, especially considering where I come from. With that patch, it's the equal of any of my other amps, and I have a few.

I have been in Fractal World for only a few weeks but I duplicated my physical pedalboard in the FM9 to the point where I don't much miss it. Now I want to try to duplicate the amp inside the FM9, so I don't even have to bring it anymore.

What is a good way to approach this challenge? Has anybody here actually done something like this? How did it go for you?
Which amp model is it based on
The Katana has a Few if it’s the Brown something like an HBE will be in the ballpark
The X Modern is more like the SLO IIRC
The Axe Fx III is the only current unit that can do IR capture or Tone Matching, so you’ll either need to find a suitably similar amp block and tweak from there, or get someone with an Axe Fx to help you match yours. What amp is it that you’re trying to replicate? Never know… someone here might have already matched one. The FM9 can load up matches or IRs made on an Axe Fx.
I built it up from their Clean model. It's not any amp I could name, except that possibly where I have taken it with global EQ, limiter, some Drive and 3-band EQ, it may possibly be in the neighborhood of a brown series Fender. I run it with a hint of breakup on loud passages. I have no idea what speaker is in it, it is probably rather full-range. I know I didn't like the sound of the amp until I removed a lot of high end and low end using the global parametric EQ.
I was able to nail the tone and feel of my Tremoverb and get close enough to the tone and feel of my California Tweed before I sold them.

I just picked an amp model I thought was in the ballpark then used some input and output EQ to get there (maybe a couple other tricks when trying to match the CT). I didn't quite get it perfect with the CT but after a while I realized the model sounded just as good even if it was slightly different.
I failed to answer the question! ... the amp is a Boss Katana MK II 50w combo, 1x12.
Boss Katana 50W MK II combo.jpg
So far, I haven't duplicated it to my satisfaction yet, so I am continuing to use the FM9 as a pedalboard plugged into the frontend of the amp, just as my 'real' pedalboard always was.
I failed to answer the question! ... the amp is a Boss Katana MK II 50w combo, 1x12.
View attachment 114939
So far, I haven't duplicated it to my satisfaction yet, so I am continuing to use the FM9 as a pedalboard plugged into the frontend of the amp, just as my 'real' pedalboard always was.
Their clean model I believe is a blend of a JC120 and A Fender
So I would probably use dual amps
A band commander and a JC120
Their clean model I believe is a blend of a JC120 and A Fender
So I would probably use dual amps
A band commander and a JC120
There's an idea - a blend of amps. I hope I can more or less follow the same route with the FM9 as I did with the Boss - they both have many of the same adjustable parameters.
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How you are listening to the FM9 will have an effect on whether they sound like they match. The speakers in the amp have less of a frequency range than a PA speaker or a monitor has. Volume level will make a difference as well.

The process I used to match an amp was I put the amp in the room with me then put a PA speaker on a pole next to it. I then used an A/B switch so I could switch between them. I got them in the same volume range and started tweaking. This method worked pretty good for me.
...The process I used to match an amp was I put the amp in the room with me then put a PA speaker on a pole next to it. I then used an A/B switch so I could switch between them. I got them in the same volume range and started tweaking. This method worked pretty good for me.
Thank you Jason - Great minds think alike! That's the same method I used to A-B the FM9 with my pedalboard so I could replicate it in the FM9, it's a very good method. I don't have a good idea for a starting point to copy the amp's sound; there are 290 amp models in there. I know I want a slightly compressed, very slightly driven starting sound. I should read the amp descriptions to avoid auditioning 292 models to find the One.
Thank you Jason - Great minds think alike! That's the same method I used to A-B the FM9 with my pedalboard so I could replicate it in the FM9, it's a very good method. I don't have a good idea for a starting point to copy the amp's sound; there are 290 amp models in there. I know I want a slightly compressed, very slightly driven starting sound. I should read the amp descriptions to avoid auditioning 292 models to find the One.
Starting with the amp descriptions is probably the right place to start. There are 2 models of the amp I was trying to match. I used those. I have another amp that I will try to match at some point that will be more difficult because I don't think there is a model for it in the FM9. I will have to look at some of the other amps to find one close. I think there are a couple that will work from some posts I have read more recently.
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